183 Ways to Create a Cool Name for your 20 or 30 Something Blog about Life

So you want to start a blog to document your journey into adulthood and share your experiences with other 20 or 30 somethings, but just can’t think of the ideal name to sum up what you’re all about?

Well, this article was written for you, and hopefully, you’ll be a lot closer to choosing a great name for your blog by the time we’re done. Even if you don’t have a short-list that’s full of awesome names, you should be inspired enough to develop your own naming ideas.

Step 1: What’s So Special?

The first thing you should do is to make a list of words that are related to you and your blog. Be as specific as possible.

Think about what makes you unique, what makes your content different from all the other life stories out there, and why people would want to read your blog. This is the most important part of blog naming, and unfortunately, most people don’t give it the attention it needs. And that is why they have a hard time coming up with a good name.

Spend at least half an hour reflecting on what you’ll blog about, your tone, your direction and most of all, your audience. Write down as many post ideas, keywords, concepts, goals, and anything else you can think of. And keep adding to it whenever a thought comes to mind.

Step 2: Get Ideas & Inspiration

Next, go through the list of blog names, domains and URLs below.

  • You will instantly get more ideas on what your blog can be about. Notice how some are quite focused on a particular angle while others are very general.
  • You will instantly get ideas on how to create a creative blog name. With a wide selection of naming styles, you’re sure to find some that you really like.
  • You will instantly understand how there are a variety of options when it comes to choosing a blog name, a domain name and URL or website address for your blog.

As you browse through the list of existing 20 & 30 somethings blogs, feel free to add enhancements to your initial notes in order to refine them.

  1. Crucial Encounterhttp://crucialencounter.com/
  2. Mandy Living Lifehttp://mandylivinglife.blogspot.com/
  3. Fog for Museshttp://www.fogformuses.wordpress.com/
  4. What Would An Adult Do?http://whatwouldanadultdo.tumblr.com/
  5. indifferencehttp://sametypes.blogspot.com/
  6. Life Without Universityhttp://lifewithoutuniversity.com/
  7. Forever Twenty Somethingshttp://forevertwentysomethings.com/
  8. Understated Chaoshttp://understatedchaos.wordpress.com/
  9. Precisely Minehttp://preciselymine.blogspot.com/
  10. The Bella Effecthttp://thebellaeffect.wordpress.com/
  11. Quarter Life Crisishttp://qlcbp.blogspot.com/
  12. The Daily Walkhttp://www.thedailywalk.net/
  13. Healing Leafhttp://healingleaf.wordpress.com/
  14. One Girl. One Journey.http://onegirl-onejourney.tumblr.com/
  15. Read Travel Becomehttp://readtravelbecome.com/
  16. 20 something & uncensoredhttp://fiematsa.wordpress.com/
  17. Life on a Branchhttp://lifeonabranch.wordpress.com/
  18. Living What You Lovehttp://livingwhatyoulove.com/
  19. marissa hyatthttp://owlsnest.me/
  20. The Flounderinghttp://www.thefloundering.com/
  21. Andy in Progresshttp://www.andywhisenant.net/
  22. Local Forkful food bloghttp://localforkful.com/
  23. Little Did She Know http://www.caramichelestrickland.wordpress.com/
  24. The Retreathttp://www.zachpowell.net/
  25. Contemplative Creativityhttp://www.contemplativecreativity.com/
  26. Beyond the Diplomahttp://beyondthediploma.wordpress.com/
  27. The Joshua Collective http://thejoshuacollective.com/
  28. Guilt Free Twentieshttp://guiltfreetwenties.wordpress.com/
  29. Jumbled Orderhttp://www.jumbledorder.com/
  30. Off the Cuffhttp://thatguykc.wordpress.com/
  31. Faith Overflow http://faithoverflow.blogspot.com/
  32. Discovering JaNae http://discoveringjanae.blogspot.com/
  33. Stand Tall Through Everythinghttp://standup8.wordpress.com/
  34. Reflection of Gracehttp://www.reflectionofgrace.wordpress.com/
  35. Heart of the Matterhttp://stephenalynch.tumblr.com/
  36. Moving Mountainshttp://www.agodthatmovesmountains.com/
  37. When We Mumblehttp://whenwemumble.weebly.com/
  38. All Groan Uphttp://allgroanup.com/
  39. The Default Lifehttp://www.thedefaultlife.com/
  40. Women On Fire Clubhttp://www.womenonfireclub.com/
  41. Miss Texanhttp://www.misstexan.blogspot.com/
  42. Thoughts about Nothinghttp://thoughtsaboutnothing.com/
  43. Positivity Filterhttp://positivityfilter.com/
  44. Chasing Groundhttp://chasingground.wordpress.com/
  45. Things They Never Told Ushttp://ttntu.blogspot.com/
  46. Joanna Museshttp://joannamuses.com/
  47. Trending Millennialhttp://www.trendingmillennial.com/
  48. One Year to Curtainhttp://oneyeartocurtain.wordpress.com/
  49. Darrell Vesterfelthttp://thisismethinking.com/
  50. A Hundred Visionshttp://www.ahundredvisions-jenni.blogspot.co.uk/
  51. Katie from Kansashttp://www.theotheroz.wordpress.com/
  52. Little Misadventureshttp://www.littlemisadventures.com/
  53. Greatness in Servicehttp://preachblake.com/
  54. The Mundane Musehttp://www.themundanemuse.blogspot.com/
  55. Audacity to Writehttp://audacitytowrite.blogspot.com/
  56. Oh that Kimberleyhttp://www.ohthatkimberley.com/
  57. With Audreyhttp://withaudrey.blogspot.com/
  58. Heart Via Stomachhttp://www.heartviastomach.com/
  59. Man of Depravityhttp://manofdepravity.com/
  60. Simply Cute as a Buttonhttp://simplycuteasabutton.blogspot.com/
  61. Miranda Writeshttp://youngprogress.blogspot.com/
  62. Cher Love Nowhttp://cherlovenow.com/
  63. Bohemian Bowmanshttp://bohemianbowmans.com/
  64. Potent Thoughtshttp://potentthoughts.com/
  65. Perfecting Pattyhttp://msperfectpatty.com/
  66. The Gritty Christianhttp://thegrittychristian.wordpress.com/
  67. Stranded Herehttp://gangwish.wordpress.com/
  68. Reflections Of A Thankful Heart http://reflectinghearts.com/
  69. Young Gunshttp://younggunblog.com/
  70. Out of My Elementhttp://kelhoward.wordpress.com/
  71. The Things I Learned Fromhttp://www.thethingsilearnedfrom.com/
  72. black coffee in bedhttp://bbhamby.wordpress.com/
  73. Living Waterhttp://bannersjourney.blogspot.com/
  74. Declaring His Worthhttp://declaringhisworth.com/
  75. Tiffany’s Epiphanyhttp://trthompson11.blogspot.com/
  76. Branding Chloehttp://www.brandingchloe.com/
  77. The Compelling Paradehttp://compellingparade.com/
  78. Two Girls In The Cityhttp://twogirlsinthecity.com/
  79. learningtobestillhttp://learningtobestill.wordpress.com/
  80. Keepin’ It To Myselfhttp://keepinittomyself.blogspot.com/
  81. Learning from Sophie http://learningfromsophie.com/
  82. Jeremy Stanleyhttp://www.betweenthepauses.com/
  83. The Duck And The Owlhttp://theduckandtheowl.wordpress.com/
  84. Brave Lilyhttp://www.bravelily.com/
  85. Pastors in Processhttp://pastorsinprocess.com/
  86. Unadulterated Realityhttp://timqualls.com/
  87. Words of Williamshttp://wordsofwilliams.com/
  88. Productivity Theory http://productivitytheory.com/
  89. Find Your Wayhttp://findyourway2011.wordpress.com/
  90. She’s Passionately Curious http://anniedrinkwine.blogspot.com/
  91. Fine Practicalityhttp://finepracticality.blogspot.com/
  92. InterestinglyMehttp://www.interestinglyme.wordpress.com/
  93. A Wasted Lifehttp://awastedlifeblog.wordpress.com/
  94. Smart Twenties http://smart-twenties.com/
  95. lifexpressed digitallyhttp://lifexpresseddigitally.me/blog
  96. innocence abroadhttp://innocenceabroad.com/
  97. Just figuring out my life…wanna come??http://marshallheppner.com/
  98. Her Quarter Life Crisishttp://www.herquarterlifecrisis.com/
  99. Gypsy Roadrunnerhttp://gypsyroadrunner.com/
  100. Endlessly Exploringhttp://endlesslyexploring.com/
  101. 20 Something Psychehttp://www.20somethingpsyche.com/
  102. Cautious Creativehttp://www.cautiouscreative.com/
  103. The Sitcoms Liedhttp://thesitcomslied.tumblr.com/
  104. Peas in a Bloghttp://www.peasinablog.com/
  105. Cookie Dough Katzenhttp://alexkatzen.wordpress.com/
  106. Make It Sparklehttp://alicialarowe.blogspot.com/
  107. Exhilarated Livinghttp://exhilaratedliving.wordpress.com/
  108. The Daily Doty http://www.thedailydoty.com/
  109. Twenty-Ishhttp://twenty-ish.com/
  110. Two Beers and a Coffeehttp://twobeersandacoffee.com/
  111. Gen Y Girlhttp://www.lostgenygirl.com/
  112. The 22nd Yearhttp://22ndyear.blogspot.com/
  113. Always Rooneyhttp://www.alwaysrooney.com/
  114. All work n All playhttp://allworknallplay.com/
  115. A Light Up Aheadhttp://austindhill.com/
  116. Life Engagedhttp://lifeengaged.net/
  117. The Tablet of My Hearthttp://writingsonmyheart.tumblr.com/
  118. Intentional By Grace http://intentionalbygrace.com/
  119. Swaddled in Seattlehttp://www.swaddledinseattle.com/
  120. Retire By Thirtyhttp://retirebythirty.com/
  121. Life in Bloomhttp://megaugustine.com/
  122. Concern for the Ordinary http://www.madissonbarnett.wordpress.com/
  123. The Sojournerhttp://craftysojourner.wordpress.com/
  124. SaturateOnline.comhttp://saturateonline.com/
  125. Thriving in Your 20shttp://thrivinginyour20s.wordpress.com/
  126. Truths of Becominghttp://truthsofbecoming.blogspot.com/
  127. The Absurdist Chronicleshttp://www.theabsurdistchronicles.blogspot.com/
  128. Ramblings of a Confused 20Somethinghttp://ramblingsofaconfused20something.com/
  129. Life & Theologyhttp://www.benreed.net/
  130. Miranda in the Middlehttp://www.mirandainthemiddle.com/
  131. A Twenty Something Readerhttp://a20somethingreader.blogspot.com/
  132. Wishes Times Threehttp://wishestimesthree.blogspot.com/
  133. Caviar&Quartershttp://caviarandquarters.com/
  134. Second Star on the Writehttp://secondstaronthewrite.wordpress.com/
  135. Looking For Purposehttp://lookingforpurpose.com/
  136. Banjos and Bogshttp://banjosandbogs.blogspot.com/
  137. Living The Lyricshttp://www.sundijio.com/
  138. Gin n Sardonichttp://ginnsardonic.com/
  139. addicted to pinkhttp://fiematsa.wordpress.com/
  140. Storied Livinghttp://rushstache.tumblr.com/
  141. Alice’s Peepholehttp://alicespeephole.blogspot.com/
  142. The Alright Sidehttp://thealrightside.blogspot.com/
  143. Spoonful of Sugarhttp://justaspoonfulofsugar.com/
  144. Social Endeavorhttp://socialendeavor.wordpress.com/
  145. Streams of Aprilhttp://aprilstreams.blog.com/
  146. Curiouser and Curiouserhttp://caitlinostberg.wordpress.com/
  147. Entreprelifehttp://entreprelife.com/
  148. Very Much Laterhttp://verymuchlater.com/
  149. Heart Your Lifehttp://candicejaggon.com/
  150. A Gold Seoulhttp://agoldseoul.com/
  151. 26 and Stumblinghttp://26andstumbling.wordpress.com/
  152. Life in the Bike Lanehttp://kayleeogrady.wordpress.com/
  153. The Well-Travelled Postcardhttp://thewell-travelledpostcard.com/
  154. Living, Learning, Eatinghttp://living-learning-eating.blogspot.com/
  155. Beside The Pointhttp://rebecca-schultz.com/
  156. All this Wanderinghttp://allthiswandering.tumblr.com/
  157. The Art of Manlinesshttp://www.artofmanliness.com/
  158. stuff antonia says.http://stuffantoniasays.wordpress.com/
  159. Cassandra’s Cursehttp://curseofcassandra.blogspot.com/
  160. Proetry http://proetry.wordpress.com/
  161. Some Wise Guyhttp://www.somewiseguy.com/
  162. Taking Back Tiffany http://www.takingbacktiffany.com/
  163. Rand Rambleshttp://www.randrambles.com/
  164. I’m Just Super Saiyanhttp://imjustsupersaiyan.wordpress.com/
  165. Happy Crunchyhttp://www.happycrunchy.com/
  166. Handfuls of Sandhttp://cbaugh.wordpress.com/
  167. Repainted canvashttp://repaintedcanvas.com/
  168. Tainted Canvashttp://www.taintedcanvas.com/
  169. Idle Inklingshttp://idleinklings.wordpress.com/
  170. She writes about ithttp://shewritesaboutit.wordpress.com/
  171. Verily Merrily Maryhttp://www.verilymerrilymary.com/
  172. Frugal and Simple http://frugalandsimple.com/
  173. Midwest Misplanthttp://midwestmisplant.blogspot.com/
  174. Life As Experiencedhttp://lifeasexperienced.com/
  175. The Esther Project by http://theestherproject.com/
  176. Collecting Daisieshttp://www.collectingdaisies.com/
  177. Enthusiastic Runnerhttp://enthusiasticrunner.com/
  178. No Rain Checkshttp://www.norainchecks.com/
  179. Simply Augustinehttp://simplyaugustine.posterous.com/
  180. A 20 Something Muddlehttp://a20somethingmuddle.blogspot.com/
  181. Light A Lamp http://www.lightherlamp.com/
  182. Beautifully Brokenhttp://lesykes.wordpress.com/
  183. Lady Unemployedhttp://ladyunemployed.com/

Step 3: Put It All Together

Now take your time and do some deep thinking to plan out your blog properly. If need be, sleep on it and spend a few days to tweak your plans.

By doing this, you will definitely have a list of potential names already. If you’re still unsure about them, post a comment below to get some feedback.

104 thoughts on “183 Ways to Create a Cool Name for your 20 or 30 Something Blog about Life”

  1. Hi, great help you are providing here. I used to write and rant on blogs, but life got a little too busy after the college years have ended. I am looking for a name for a personal blog. I feel that i should start writing again, and hopefully to continue writing on how i am about to make a 360° degree change in life. I used to have a blog called ‘cinderellainreality’ which portrays a teen wanting to explore but with a given curfew. Now i’d say it’s more towards growing up and taking leaps in life not knowing where it will take us. Any suggestions?

    • ‘Leaps in Life’ jumped out from what you described.

      Or maybe modify it to ‘Leap of Life’ or some other variation.

      Do share any names you’re considering as that will provide more of an insight into the naming style you like and any keywords or themes you identify with.

  2. Hi, great article! I am starting a blog finally after months of contemplating the idea. I am a young adult with many interests. Letting my feelings out through writing is very helpful for me which is why I want to blog. I have many topics that I would talk about as well such as style, beauty, food and all around lifestyle blogging topics. I am just having a horribly hard time deciding on a name. Any ideas on key words I could play with and/or use?


    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Kaitlin,

    Yes, a lot of people find that blogging is a good way to let their feelings out. The choice of keywords is really up to you. You can get lots of inspiration from the 100+ names listed above.

    To get meaningful suggestions, please take a look at the replies i just shared with a couple of other people who are trying to name their blogs:

    “Please can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.”

    “As you review other blog names to see how they’re composed, you should get ideas for your own. For instance, some people want their personal names in the blog name, others want to incorporate the place they live to make the blog more locally focused, others prefer to have something wittily funny, while the majority are looking for a clever twist on words. What’s your preference?”

    • Look forward to hearing your thoughts, or better still, if you’ve already chosen a name, what you ended up going with. Good luck with your blog.

  3. Hi! I wanted to stop by and say thank you for mentioning my blog on your site. I appreciate it and have enjoyed checking out the other sites you listed as well. If any readers want to know the story behind the name of my blog you can check out my first post here: https://awastedlifeblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/14/a-wasted-life-2/

    Thanks again and good luck to everyone who is working to come up with a creative name!
    Happy Writing 🙂

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Hannah,

    You’re most welcome. Thanks for stopping by to share your blog name’s story. You write very well, it’s a great read.

    • Btw Hannah, the domain name awastedlifeblog.com is available to be registered. You may want to grab it before it gets taken by someone else.

  4. I’m looking to write a personal about more random things, DIY’s,silly posts, drawings, stories, motivating posts and similar things. I don’t suppose you could think of anything? My screen name is usually something like Aqua.

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Aqua,

    To think of potential names you might like, it would be helpful to know a bit more about your taste in naming styles.

    As mentioned to Kaitlin:

    “Please can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.”

    “As you review other blog names to see how they’re composed, you should get ideas for your own. For instance, some people want their personal names in the blog name, others want to incorporate the place they live to make the blog more locally focused, others prefer to have something wittily funny, while the majority are looking for a clever twist on words. What’s your preference?”

    • Do post back with more details once you’ve had a deeper think about your blog, it’s audience and the type of name that may be suitable.

  5. okay, so I want to start a blog just about me and life. I love to write, but it freaks me out that people will be reading my thoughts; however I am going to do it! I need help creating a blog name. I have looked at name generators and asked friends, but still didn’t love what I was hearing. SOS, sincerely a girl who just wants to write.

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hey Sarah,

    Please refer to the other replies i’ve posted asking for more information regarding naming styles and examples of names you like/dislike.

    “I have looked at name generators and asked friends, but still didn’t love what I was hearing” – could you share some of these and also the reasons why you don’t like them?

    To suggest good names, it’s useful to know what to avoid as much as what to focus on.

    • “it freaks me out that people will be reading my thoughts”

      Fortunately, they will only be able to read the thoughts you share 🙂

  6. I’m struggling to find the right name for my blog, I’m just finishing my A-levels, soon to go into the daunting life of a uni student. I want to write a blog that will inspire, give advice, hope and allow me to channel my thoughts. I want it to be positive, maybe include tips, art, literature, reviews etc.

    I’m a creative person and I’ve had personal issues in the past but I want to move on and grow as a person as I find myself..

    any ideas?

    p.s. my thoughts are a jumble so I apologise for the rambling

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Melissa,

    To get more/better suggestions, please refer to my other replies requesting for more information about the type of names you like.

    Without knowing what you like, here are some random ideas …

    Rambling Mel
    Unjumbled Thoughts
    A Daunting Life
    Let’s Move On
    Lost & Found
    Creating Myself

    As you can see there are plenty of ways to create a unique blog name.

  7. Hi Sam,

    I’m stuck on finding a name for my blog. My name is Elle and I would like to have it included in the blog name. I’m from the island of barbados but currently living in NYC. My blog will be about what I’m up to in NY with my fiancé and life in the city in general. I will also post about fashion beauty and travel. I’m also a fashion model. Hope you have better suggestions than I can come up with!


    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Elle,

    Here are some ideas …

    Liberty Belle
    Island Elle
    Elle Heeled (a pun of ‘well heeled’)
    Belle de Jour
    Ring My Belle
    Elle in New York

    Do refer to my other replies asking for more details if you would like more suggestions.

    • HI need some suggestion for blog name. My Name is Kay Anne and I want to incorporate at least the word Kay to my blogname. i love travel, fashion, love and life… so this would basically be the content of my future blogs 🙂 hope u can help me… thank you!

  8. i currently have a few write ups about love, life and health. I basically write inspirational articles. I am currently using loveandlifezone but I need something a one word idea and something fun to the ears. It will portray love, life and health but a catchy name easy to remember and speaks inspiration. Any suggestions please.

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hello Uju,

    Yes, loveandlifezone is quite unexciting and a bit of a mouthful.

    “I need something a one word idea” … does this mean you’re looking for a name that only has 1 word?

    If so, please can you share some of the words you like and may be considering in order to get feedback on them and further suggestions?

  9. I want to develop a blog but I am kind of stuck with name
    my blog is going to be about
    + thoughts and ideas that come to mind which could help solve an issue be in society, school, homes anywhere basically
    + initiatives that could be taken up by establishments
    + in the face comments about peoples behavior in public areas
    + back to simple basic things that we complicated for no reason
    I want to try and write daily posts

    any suggestions please

    ***** REPLY *****

    Hi Hind,

    “Please can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.”

    “As you review other blog names to see how they’re composed, you should get ideas for your own. For instance, some people want their personal names in the blog name, others want to incorporate the place they live to make the blog more locally focused, others prefer to have something wittily funny, while the majority are looking for a clever twist on words. What’s your preference?”

  10. Hi i am a mom of a beautiful 5 month old baby. i have been in foster care and workign my way up to be a social worker ..i have so much life experience and now a new baby. I want a name thats fit right …im goint o talk about life before and during fostercare. how i almost got married. My baby. school..life. LIfe Life

    ***** REPLY *****

    Hi Rena,

    Congrats on your baby! Please can you share some examples of names you like so that we can focus on naming styles to suit your taste.

    Just go through the list above and pick out a handful you like, and a few you don’t. Then share a little about why you like or are not keen on them.

  11. Hi,

    I am about to set up my first ever blog and struggling on a name, can you help? I’m going to be mainly talking about my health, I have a disease called pulmonary hypertension. My thoughts so far are:

    The PH girl
    The girl with a large heart
    The girl who had to be different

    I feel like especially the last one is a bit long winded, and thought maybe I need something a bit shorter and to the point.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  12. Hi!

    I’ve been wanting to start a blog but have been stumped on a good name. I want to blog mainly about food and fashion and would like for that to be somehow indicated in the name.

    Some similar style blog names I found and have liked are: Fash n Chips, A Chic Brûlée, and Gourmet Fash. I was considering incorporating some kind of French phrase like Bon apetit or something like that.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas!

  13. Like many of those who have commented above, I am searching for the perfect blog name-catchy, concise, could encompass many of the topics I plan to blog about (teaching, home improvements, my crazy vizsla puppy, marriage, living in the Midwest, parenting, cooking, healthy living…etc). I originally liked the idea “porchtime” because in college my friends and I would always talk about our day and spend time together on the porch and this is what we called it, I even registered it-but I don’t love the way it looks written out and I think the word “porch” can have a rather odd look to it/and don’t like the way it necessarily rolls off the tongue. I really want to write about the little moments in life- grass stains, catching fireflies, messy kitchens, lazy Saturday mornings…those type of things. I brainstormed a list of words that resonate with me in some capacity- I just can’t seem to “put it all together”:

    Grass stains
    Strawberry shortcake
    Jumping bean
    Inch worm
    Rollie pollie
    house of
    dirty fingernails
    fur balls
    thoughts about nothing

  14. Hi Sam! This is a very helpful post. Isn’t it odd how we can get stuck on what is a key issue for the success of our blogs? I have a blog that’s mostly about food but I’ve felt restricted by this topic for about a year now. Currently my topics are recipes, restaurants and food travel but I wish to turn it more into a food and lifestyle blog. I wish to write more about my experiences and the things I find beautiful rather than just cooking and recipes. I’m an optimistic and romantic person, so I wish my blog to make people happier, to show them ways and places to enjoy themselves, nice places to enjoy a good dinner, how to look your best, how to take care yourself, spa experiences, travel to broaden the mind, pampering and treating oneself, tasty but healthy food, things like that. To feel better and be optimistic. Some keywords of my blog’s vibe are: happy, open, sweet, pretty, joy, hope, free, genuine, fun, dream, wonder, play. I thought the name “happy life” but it’s too generic. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  15. Hi Sam,

    I’m a third year university student who is looking to start a blog but really stuck on a name! I want it to be about traveling (I travel to Asia quite a lot), food and health, tips and tricks to enjoy life or just sharing my stories (again, quite a common theme). I want it to have Jacjac (play on my name Jacqueline) in it, but things like Jacjac’s journeys or Jacjac enjoying life is just too plain. I’m a very optimistic and fun person and want to share my ways of brightening up someone’s day, relieving stress and again, food, health and play to boost one’s own happiness and self confidence! Looking through your previous lists, something like “Creating Myself” is too cheesy for me but I like things like puns!
    Thank you,

  16. Hello Sam, I have learnt who to apply make ups on people, and I want a catchy name to start up a business of make-up. Help me out buddy…

  17. Hello,

    I’m a 20-something blogger who likes to write various things, but tends to focus on travel and design. I’m very fickle when it comes to blog names, so I’m hoping this thread can give me ideas. I like a name that sounds beautifully.

  18. I’m about to enter my freshman year of college (Speech and Hearing Science major), and I would like to blog about my experiences, etc, but mostly about my journey through life. However, I hope to continue blogging after college, so I don’t want to tie myself down with a college-esque name (and I think it’s a little cliche). My intended description at the moment is something along the lines of “Just the musings of a young college student exploring her place in the world”, and obviously I would update the description (especially when I’m no longer a young college student). I enjoy photography, videography/filmmaking, clarinet (and music in general), and gymnastics/running/all sports. I have plenty of creative ideas for just about everything else, but I’ve never had a knack for creating a good name. I’m thinking something involving the word ‘journey’? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  19. Hi there!

    I came across your website in my search for a great blog name. Can you help? I’m wanting to write a lifestyle blog…with anything from DIYs to the random things that seem to happen to only me, and thoughts on whatever is going on in my life (singleness, decorating an apartment, finding a workout routine, recipes, etc) to maybe even selling art prints and other paper products.

    I like the idea of an idiom in a blog name, but I don’t want to be one of 15 people with a variation of the same title. Even a play on words might be fun. I just want something that will allow me to be consistent across social media outlets.

    Story of My Life, Sweet Season, For Such A Time (as this) are all names I like, but feel like I can’t use.

    I thought about doing “Table For One” because I’m single, but am worried that should my relationship status ever permanently change, that might not be the best idea. What do you think? Also, Instagram won’t let me have that name.

    Also, I don’t like the idea of something like “Shannon’s ______.”

    Something with “life” or “girl” or even “Texas” (where I live) might be nice, though.

    Thanks for any help!

  20. Hi

    I’m a 18 year old boy from India. I’ve completed my school life. Since I couldn’t perform satisfactorily so am preparing for the next year’s competitive exams, sitting in my home. I feel a bit lonely as all my friends have begun their college life, while I stuck in this limbo. I want to write a blog about my struggles, thoughts. Basically its for theurapatic effects- let off steam.
    I love alliteratives. Something like:my mundane musings (too common, unfortunately). Or something in the lines of : “diary of a… “(u get the drift). Brownie points for witty ones!
    Kindly suggest alternatives.

  21. Hi Sam! Me and my twin sister Anna really need help. We have a crazy family consisting of 8 kids (including us) our house is always crazy. Plus, in December, our Dad is getting married to a highstrong women named Kate who has two kids. So, in short, we are looking for a name that reflects our crazy life.
    Chloe + Anna

  22. Hi i am just like any other girl in her early twenties and planning to start a blog. I wish to write about heartbreak,Moving on,life,struggles of settling down in life,family , nature . All will be expressed in form if quotes or tweet sized messages.Can u please suggest some names ?

  23. Hi all,

    I am starting a travel blog, after traveling for a while now I want to start a blog about where ive been and continue to blog on what im up to and where im going next. Early next year ill be selling up and setting off to Europe to travel and live for a year as well as Central America. So im here to ask for name suggestions? Think of anything please let me know

  24. I love this information! My 2 sisters and I have been trying to brainstorm a name for our blog for what seems like forever now! We are going to be blogging about our health/fitness journey, recipes, and crafts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciate! 🙂

  25. Hi Sam,

    I’m having a really difficult time finding the right name for my blog. My mother use to write all the time before her drug addiction began, basically I want to create a blog telling my life story and all of the hardships I’ve had to overcome at such young ages. I want the name of the blog to stand out in order to catch the readers attention, but I don’t want it to be ‘typical’. Any suggestions?


  26. Hi! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, needing to find the perfect name. I plan to write about being a mom (to my beautiful 18 month old daughter Aubree Jade), making my own baby food, cloth diapering, my troubles on conceiving baby #2, living in the Santa Cruz Mountains (San Lorenzo Valley to be exact), being with my husband since high school (12 years together), etc. I will prolly add my addiction to canning food and organic eating. I thought of “Valley Mama”but that looks to be already taken. Any other ideas are welcome!! Thanks!

  27. Hello everyone, this will be my first blog and all the names i tried were already taken!!! The blog will be about my everyday life….struggles, happy, sad …everything that i experience and my perspective on it…also i will be writing incidents from my past and how they affected me and what i am today..my relationship…as of present i am still trying to figure out what i want to do in life…i have a degree which i no longer feel connected too…m fresh out of colleg…..i have soooo many dreams….and i daydream 😐 a lot !!!
    Can someone please suggest me a few names (:
    Thank you xoxoxoxo

  28. Hi!

    What a fabulous article! I have been stuck on this very topic for so long. I would love to have a clever blog title that in includes my name somehow (My name is Alexandra Anderson, I get Alex for short). I want to have an upbeat blog about life, creative things, and beauty. If you had any suggestions I’d be so appreciative.

    Thanks so much 🙂

  29. Hi,

    I am wanting to start a blog to showcase my photography, but I want it to be a lifestyle blog with the added bonus of wonderful pictures to look at. I will do some food/recipe blogging, travel blogging, and general life/random things when the mood strikes. I’ve thought of some names such as: throughthelens, travelinglens, or theflourishingphotog, but they all seem too focused on photography and not so much the blogging side. Then I thought up unravelingmylife and justasipoflife, but that doesn’t seem just right yet. I am looking for something that can develop and grow with me, so I want it to be a perfect fit. Some keywords or general interests to keep in mind: flourishing, blooming, wild(ly), passionate, coffee, champagne, spoonful, just a sip, classy, living, wine, travel, life, pictures. Any suggestions?

    • Oh, and I was thinking about using my first and middle name, but all of the variations of Emily Rose seem to be taken. So that might help 🙂

  30. hi,

    i am stuck on a blog name for a blog i started a few days ago. i still havent written anything but my aim is to write about human rights issues, however i might also include a few life experiences. i am only 15 so a quirky name would be great. something including sophia, like “sophiaspeaks” but this is already taken. if i can get human rights in the name without it being too long that would be great.. do u have any ideas?

  31. Hello!

    I would like to make a blog to show my handmade cards 🙂 most are with stamps but some are made with a machine (silhouette cameo) and I also make other crafty things. So I was thinking about naming it something that shows it’s handmade and maybe something with paper (because that’s the main ingredient for my creations) but I haven’t thought of a lot of cute or witty blog names 🙁

    Here are some of the ideas that I have so far but I’m just not sure of any of them and maybe you can think of a few more?

    And I’m also wondering if I should spell my name Elly instead of Ellie because sometimes people think my name is spelled with 3 L’s :p

    I hope this helps 😀
    Kind regards,

  32. i wanna start a blog. im 21 and have an eleven month old son that i would write tons about. we do alot of exploring and i do alot of diy projects. i have three step kids. a nine year old boy and two step daughters four and two. i would like to give advice to young moms. im in a crazy but amazing relationship. im a christian and would like to talk about god. i also write poetry and songs i would like to share. music videos. food. fashion. ive been told im very creative and have an old soul. im an awesome mother and wife. my name is paralee lashay. im really sarcastic and joke alot. some of my stuff others might not agree with but im upfront with my thoughts and interests. please help me with a name

  33. Hi!
    I am thinking about starting my own beauty and lifestyle blog! I love everything beauty but want to incorporate random life topics. I have been stuck on the perfect name. I am a newly wed and I live in the Texas hill country. Any suggestions?

  34. Hi Sam,

    My name is Julia and I am a 22 year old looking to blog about my spiritual journey through life. In January I’ll be traveling to Goa, India for Kranti Yogas 200hr vinyasa teacher training program. For now, my blogs focus will be on my past experiences such as having a sister who’s a heroin addict and all the complications that came with that, being diagnosed with bi-polar type 2, etc. I am a journalism major and a psychology minor who wants nothing more in life to help improve society in a positive way. If I can change just one persons life, I’ll be satisfied. I am an empathetic, liberal minded, passionate and loving person. I’m a Pisces who can sometimes live in my own dream world. I am struggling with a name for this blog and was hoping you could help.


  35. Hi! This page is great thanks a lot! I am a contemporary dancer and Im wirtting a blog for young artists (dancers, choreographers) who have just finished their degrees and they need some encouragement to keep going and start building their lives as artists. I post articles, dance classes, dance quotes, im planning to put interviews with more famous artists asking about thier lifes, exibitions, etc. It is all about support, giving usefull tools. At the same time I also make my name known as an artist, so it also works as marketing

    I need a name and chose a really bad one becasue it doesnt really say anything.. “the dancing owl” I just thought becasue of the image of the owl as a blogger. What I am looking it is some name with an “image” so that I can eventually ask a graphic designer to make a logo for me. I hope you can help me thanks!!!!

  36. my name is Mirna, I’m a mother of 3, and have a full time job, i basically lead a busy life 🙂 .. I love to write though, but stuck with a blog name. It always starts with a scene i’ve witnessed, or something i heard or read. i’d start talking to myself and have a conversation about what to write, how it would sound, etc…

    i thought of things like “random corner”, “me time” (since it’s time i spend on my own writing)..not too sure about it though..

    Things i love are books,daisies, music, drawing, and Faded jeans 🙂

    any ideas?
    thank you

  37. Hi! I am really at a block for naming my blog :/ My name is Taylor and my middle name is HopeLyn… I am a college student and I want to write about fashion, lifestyle, inspirational things, etc. I want the feel to be bright colors, vibrant, flowers (possibly), etc. Could anyone help?

  38. Hi, I am a guy working through my first year of college, and am desiring to write about politics, film, TV, travel (huge aviation nerd), books, and just thoughts about life. I’d like to discuss what motivates me and how all of these things just make life exciting and positive. I am a generally happy & positive person. I know that it is broad, and am having an extremely tough time with a name. A shorter name would be better- I wouldn’t mind my name included in the name of the blog, but I would be fine either way..

  39. I am a teen struggling to fight the person inside me who wants to come out.. I want to write a blog through my eyes. Even if no one may read it I still want to get my view of the world out into the open. So please help me think of a name for my blog. I want to include a world pertaining to colorful, something like prismatic or along the lines, but i also want to incorporate the word heart. I was born with a colorful heart meaning i was born to love everyone and every gender at that and for that i am different from most. As the struggles continue on in the daily lives of struggling teens coming out and experiencing life out of their previously hidden secrets i would like to share my input with them as well as vent my life to get my feelings out.

    i am desperate to begin my journey through paper and words.

  40. Hey
    Great post thanks for sharing.
    I’m starting a blog based around my experience as a recent art graduate and the struggle of finding my place in the world. I have aspirations of working in journalism so I also want to write kind of opinion pieces on the news and education etc.
    All the good names I’ve thought of already have already been taken, I don’t want anything that sounds to serious and my name is Kat, there has to be a pun there right?
    Any help would be really appreciated xx

  41. Hi,
    I am looking for some help with a blog name. I am 26 and wanting to start a healthy lifestyle and Natural Nutrition blog. Originally I was thinking “Naturally Nutritious Kitchen” but it seems like Naturally Nutritious has too many similar hits :(. I want to focus on clean, nutritious eating, with some other topics about life in general.

    Any help 🙂 ?

  42. Good evening! I have been pondering a blog name for quite some time. My content will be based on every day life, fitness, motherhood, living in new england and so on. I love love love coffee and summertime, and wanted to incorporate those into the blog title if able. I ended up thinking of ones that really had a nice ring to them, only to see that they are already taken 🙁

  43. Hello Sam!

    Great article! I hope I am not too late to receive any feedback or ideas. My name is Kimberly Morales and I am planing on starting a blog that will include:
    – updates about my educational YouTube channel (Canis Science) that I am currently working on.
    – life as a undergrad applying to medical school
    – health and fitness
    – my journey and life adventures

    Thank you!

  44. I would love some suggestions regarding a blog I am about to start. It is base one a commitment phobe’s guide to marriage. I have recently married and learnt a lot in the process of getting to this point. I still am amazed that I am here and want to share my experiences. I have been playing with a few ideas but nothing really sticks. examples I have been playing with are:
    Anxiously ever after (ideally don’t want to use the work anxious)
    Misguided to mrs (sounds a little negative)
    Truly Madly Maybe
    The noble arrow
    Whisper & Quill
    Beauty & Dust
    Chance & Ever After/ hope/faith/fate

    Look forward to your reply

  45. Thank you so much for your awesome idea on how to think of a blog name. It’s simple but something I never thought of doing to get a name and to get started. It also helps to explore the blog in my thoughts and everything it could be about. Although mine will be in Dutch only but that doesn’t mean I can’t use English words.mHopefully I’ll have a good blog name by the end of next week.

  46. HI, I want to come up with a blog just as an outlet for what I’m thinking and creative outlet(for anything school, art, or really travel related), help would be much appreciated.

  47. Hi guys!

    I need your help!

    I want to wright a blog of my memories and hopefully I can help others with my stories and maybe with advices!

    I recently quit my job in Portugal, and I’m going on a Southern Asia Trip for 1 month and a half. After that, in September I’ll live in Germany. I completely change my life and I want to talk about my experiencies during my trip and my experiencies living in Germany. After that the future will tell!

    Can you help me with some blog names?

    Thank you!


  48. Hi, I want to start a photo blog, but am stuck at the name.
    Photos will be about nature, architecture/buildings, everyday things, food; I might include street photo sometime in the future.

    So far I’ve come up with:
    + Good, Bad and Lovely
    + Drawing with Light
    + Glimpses
    + Just a thought
    + Eye Catching
    + Glass Eye
    + Light, Composition, Emotion

    Not sure if any of them are taken, and they sound pretty boring. I would prefer something quirky.
    Please help.
    Many Thanks!

  49. I’ve been struggling to find a blog name. My blog will be about what I’m up to in the city of Chicago, lifestyle, fashion, & beauty. I love to laugh and have a silly personality. I love to travel. I have the word “Ruby” in my last name so I’d love a play on that word if possible. Any suggestions would be welcome!

  50. Hi…
    I’m 15 and I was thinking on starting a blog about my experiences, stuff that I’ve learnt and stuff that I want to share with people…Initially I thought of having the word voice in my blog name….like fifteenthvoice, candidvoice, evolvingvoice etc, but I still can’t find the right word….What do you think??

  51. Hi, I don’t know if you’re still responding but I just found your site and it looks like you’ve been able to help a lot of people with some great ideas. I’m looking to start a blog about food, life and travel. Mostly food, but I don’t necessarily want a food specific name for the blog. One name I like that is already taken, of course, is “her tasty life”. Another already taken one is, “cravings in Amsterdam”. Both have a foodie reference but can be applied to other things, too. Any suggestions??

  52. Hi There,

    Thanks for the post! I’m a 22 year guy working on a blog spanning topics such as:
    Christianity, Economics, Masculinity, Philosophy, Millennials and more.

    I want to be logical and edgy but I don’t take myself to seriously either. So far my best ideas are :

    Faith, Fact & Fallacy
    Lagers & Logic
    The 2.0 Twenty Something
    Christianity & Capitalism
    Macroeconomics & Millennials

    Feedback and new suggestions are welcome:)

  53. Hi
    I’m a 19 year old who loves to pour her heart out. I’ve done my write ups on longing love, life, mom.
    I stretch myself to give inspiration to people with dark nights , healing hearts. I believe in motivating people and lightening spirits up. And its not just about love and life. My thoughts drag me to every possible path it can reach. I feel my thoughts have no limits. I’m trying to find myself. I write about everything that pinches my heart. About society, roadside families, my own broken family, my long gone daddy, how some words can change peoples life.
    In short basically, im looking for my domain name that suits for who i am. I’m unaware of the person i am who can carry gazillion of thoughts. I also believe in spiritually.
    Please suggest me some catchy domain name which will help my blog to inspire people.

    Few names i’ve written down :
    a lightening lamp
    Healing leaf
    Enlightened soul
    A kindered soul

    I want a name which suits for who i am. Please help me out in this please.

  54. Hi,

    I am really grateful for all these ideas. I am hoping to start a blog about beauty and style. I am starting a beauty course in a few weeks and really want to get my experience across and to give advice about Skincare and make up etc. I am finding it difficult to come up with something.

    I like blog names that don’t necessarily have the topic in the title. Although I am not completely against this idea if the name is right.

    I love the blog name ‘go fug yourself’ I like kind of edgy ones. Can anyone help with suggestions? Also u wouldn’t mind a play on words using my name, which is Ruth.


  55. Hi,
    Thanks for creating such an informative article. After reading the whole article , im still confused as to what my blog name should be. I want to write women yopics, what they feel in a particular siruation, day to day experiences, or anything but with a women’s or a girl’s perspective. Can’t think of me type name….. some i thoght are like girlie affairs, girl in every women, wings of imagination etc. But none of them are catchy and short. Please help.

  56. Hi! I have a blog that’s currently called Messy Rain, but I’m looking for a change.
    The ‘vibe’ of my blog is embracing the messiness of life. There’s no posts about perfection – ways to lose weight, makeup tutorials, relationship advice, etc.
    It’s about inspiration, little things that make you happier, adventures, art.
    As for the name, I really like rain, and I’ve been trying to incorporate that into the title.
    I think: smudged, chaos, slept in, poetry, love, thoughts, sentences, messy, art, days.
    Help me!!

  57. Hey! I’m thinking about starting my very first blog site! I’ve been thinking about a catchy name for it. Something that will make someone just stop and be like, I need to read this! Lol.
    I’m going to be writing about my life; personal areas, my friends and theirs lives, the encounters I have experienced with God, a program that literally saved my life, a movement that I am envolved with, called High On Hope The Movement, and I want it all to come back and relate to God.
    I am looking at this on an inspirational level.
    Thank you so much!

  58. Hi there,
    The last comment on here was back in July 2015 but I’m hoping you are still helping with blog names because I am really struggling. I want to start blogging about lots of different things, Books, Movies, Friends, Make up, Crafts, Music, Family etc but I have no idea for a blog name. Could you help me please.

    Thanks in advance.

  59. Hi there –

    I am working on starting a blog. I have thought about it for 2 years and after creating a blog to follow my company travels in Africa, I got really excited about curating my own.

    I am 24, married, house owner, and mom to two puppies. I’m in the early stages of my career and early into adulthood, and I wish I had known a lot of things. Insurance, 401k, Roth IRA, investments, how to grow savings, etc. all of these things were gray areas for myself and many of my young friends.

    I’d like my blog to have a section on general adult information, like how to manage doctors appointments and figuring out if you have a copay. Little things. And some bigger things like setting up a 401k, using a health savings account, and the “basic math” that tells you to allot certain percentages to each of those.
    I’d like to have a section on career. How to jumpstart your career, how to figure out your 5 year Vision statement, how to manage your manager.
    I’d like to have a section on travel. Travel saved my life and it means more to me than anyone can imagine. I share this passion with my husband and we have taken some incredible trips. I’d like to share how we booked, how it went, favorite parts, etc.

    These are some names I am thinking about
    – the girl with the travel tattoos
    – Adulting 101
    – Adulting: from a sort-of adult
    – Adulting: figuring it out as we go
    – Anti-millennial millennial figures it out

  60. Hey Sam,
    I’m trying to start a blog and I’m stuck on the the name. The blog’s going to be mostly about lifestyle, fashion, and travel. I’m originally from Canada but moved to Austin, TX for university (2nd semester freshman!) so there might be some of that there too. I’d also like to have my name included in the blog name but it’s not a be all and end all kind of thing. Any suggestions?

  61. Hi Sam,

    Stumbled on your post; great guide. Im working to start a blog, a super beginner. Have just quit my job and moved to Norway with my husband and 4 years old daughter. Kinda feel like i hit a cross road in my mid thirtys and at a new foreign land. Would like to blog about my journey through my eyes of life/lifestyle and about living in a new city sandefjord, even cooking and recipes..how the migration process work or just me with my daughter..
    Like to tag in the thirty-ish into the name kinda describe where i am …and also from your list about …swaddled in norway combi..

    What will you recommend?


  62. Hi,

    I don’t know if somebody reads the comments because it is two years later, but i thought i try. I have read your post and have tried to come up with some names. This is what i thought up:

    The curvy effect
    simply curvy /simple curves
    my curvy life /my curvy road
    curves and curls

    Only now i am stuck. I have the idea i can’t get lose from curvy or curly and that maybe i need to cut them lose. Do you maybe have an idea?? I want to write a blog about everything that comes in my path in my live. Things i see and read and things i do. I am plus size, (curvy) and have a lot of curls.

    maybe you can help me

  63. Need few names on retail domain like by seeing that people should understand we are talking how operations are going on in retail process

  64. Need few names on retail domain like by seeing that people should understand we are talking how operations are going on in retail process

  65. Hi, can you help me what would be the best name for my page?? Im planning to create my own page for travel, food and life matter. Hope you could help me. Thank you!

  66. Hi I previously started a blog and then the blog name expired after 3 years..

    i am planning to restart a new one.
    i am planning to write anything under the sun probably focusing on lifestyle and poetry and health.. I am a thirty year old single mom from the Philippines. I am krystaline and my nick name goes as King… and the acronymn of may whole name is KAE.

    i would want to find a new blog name and i would want to include my name on it to have it somehow personalized.

    here’s the previous name i used but somehow i felt that it didn’t work and doesnt sound can easily be remembered. could you suggest other names which i can chose from.

    unfolded by krystal
    life in a krystal spectrum

    thank you in advance

  67. Hi
    Love your page!!
    I am trying to set up a blog about pressures of being in mid twenties/twenties in general, anxieties and some humour
    I liked the idea of mind over chatter
    I also thought of the name: In between decades, but not sure if it sounds goood enough
    Please could you help me with ideas? Not keen on having my name in but my shortened name is ‘bel’ so I would be happy to include that in the name somehow
    Thank you

  68. Great post! I have been wanting to start a personal blog for some time now and have decided the time is now!! The biggest struggle for me has been settling on a name. The inspiration of my blog will be New England, travel, style, home and the struggles and triumphs of being in your 20’s. I also have a sleeping disorder which keeps me extremely tired throughout the day so I have thought about including that some how.

    Some of my ideas so far:
    Everything but Normal
    Samosa (mimosa)
    Dame It! (last name)
    Sam’ore Naps

    I really like the idea of including my name somehow in the title or as part of another word..(maybe I need to get myself off of this thought to get more creative!!)

  69. Hi,

    Likewise, I am stuck on coming up with a blog name. I’m starting a blog about travel & lifestyle.

    I work for an airline so I’m going to focus on documenting weekend trips and then everything in between- Food recipes, my dog, fun restaurants.

    Any ideas about blog names? I live in dallas and work for Southwest airlines. I think a play on words would be fun and possible something related to travel?

  70. I’d like to create blogsite for me. I would write there many things like my thoughts, captured photographs. Any blog name suggestion for me ?

  71. Hi,

    My site is just about my personal thoughts on certain things/issues, few health tips, my travel experiences.

    At present I named it as My Life, My Experiences, but somehow it doesn’t sound great. I want to rename it as “Astounding Notions”

    What do you say ???

  72. Hey Sam! I recently started college and Ive been so inspired to start a blog that I’ve already collected some content. The only thing restraining me right now is finding that perfect name. I don’t want to ask friends or family as I want it to be anonymous. So I am from Pakistan and studying abroad.
    I am into photography and fashion mostly.

    here is a little brain storming I did. PLEASE HELP.

    – Punjabi Polaroids (Punjabi is my caste)
    – Jhumkas and Jackets. – (Jhumkas are these Pakistani earrings)
    – The girl in the leather jacket and silver bangles.


  73. I landed here on 2018 and got some great ideas. I must have read dozens of similar articles, but this is Way ahead. Excellent job you have done here. Thank you so much!

  74. What a great post! I’m looking for a blog name that has something to do with coffee, I like it 😉 and it keeps it nice and general.
    Like coffee and chaos… (already taken)
    Coffee before…
    Any help is appreciated!

  75. Hi everyone! I’d really like some ideas on what to name my blog. I’m not really sure if I want my name on it but some ideas with or without my name would be great. The blog would be a lifestyle blog with some bits of travel. Thanks for anybody’s help!

    The ones I have so far are:
    Always Alyssa
    Adventures of Alyssa
    Alyssa Admits

  76. Great help you’re providing for beginners. I want to start a blog on relationships and I have some names I came up with. But I’m having issues with picking one.

    1. Why are good relationships so hard?
    2. Love addict
    3. The real deal with relationship
    4. why is a good relationship such a big deal?
    5. D Love gossips

    please help

  77. Hello!

    I do not know if you are still giving help with blog names but I would LOVE to get your input!

    Brief overview: I am originally from SE but now a W coast girl (big adjustments that I might talk about). I am hugely passionate about serving my community, specifically in the area of education. I also enjoy fashion, travel, bake, and reading. I would love to somehow turn my blog eventually into an income source. Random other things are that I adore Elle Woods (want to be her), am petite, blonde, have perfectionistic tendencies, and constantly get called cute.

    Thank you!

  78. Hi Sam! Kindly help me come up with a unique name for my blog. I want to encourage people to live life to the fullest through traveling and incorporate lessons learned using photos taken during the trip (photo blog)
    I like “Shine So Bright” but if you can suggest more I would be very happy.



  79. Hi I’m starting my own blog. It’s going to be about my life, baking, my future and my career. I will also be writing about baking for stand up to cancer and Macmillan. Any ideas on names.
    Many thanks

  80. Hi. It’s a great post!
    My name is Surabhi and I need your help.I am looking for a name for my blog where I write mostly about personal opinions, travel stories as a couple and lifestyle stuff.I am looking for a cool and catchy name. I went through your list and tried making some blog names but I don’t think they are catchy enough.I am stuck and need help with getting a good blog name..

    My list was –

    The Peppy Pair
    Her Sixth Sense
    Surabhi says
    See ya Surabhi

  81. Hey! I’ve been wanting to create a personal blog. For some rants, inspirational quotes and just random stuff , not really sure about my niche yet. Can you please suggest me a name? I am stuck here.

    P.S. – I’ve one name on my mind – TheVengeWibe . ( Totally Random)
    What do you think about it?

  82. Hi! Thank you so much, I’m really impressed with this list its so inspirational.

    I am looking for a name for my blog. I already have a business website RA Conservation which is all about conserving historic objects, the degradation of materials and importance/significance of preserving historic objects http://www.raconservation.co.uk
    I am fine with that but am about to start a blog about history and my travels to historical places, especially churches and the stories that these places can tell. I want to share this history with readers and inspire them to go out and see exciting historical things on their doorstep. I will also talk about exhibitions and museums I have visited. But really it will be for a bit of fun. So RA Conservation does not really match what i am trying to do with the blog.

    The blog does not need to relate to my business name and website, but I will be linking them in the about pages, so it needs to be semi-profesh. I would rather not use my personal name and prefer short and catchy titles which will get across the idea of historical travels / stories / buildings / churches. All while making it accessible to my audience (20-40 yr old, interested but not massively knowledgable about history, likes travelling, exploring, fun).

    I have followed all your tips of thinking about key words that sum up my blog, thinking about my audience etc but am drowning in the mind-soup i have created for myself. So far I have come up with ‘Pull up a Pew’, ‘Tracery Tales’, ‘All the History’, ‘Everyday History’ and ‘The Wandering Chronicals’. I am just in need of a second opinion and some additional ideas. (other key words include pilgrim, fables, stories, ancient, medieval).

    What do you think?

    Many thanks in advance

  83. I am a girl from kashmir. I want to start my blog and need your sugestions. I want to use word “kashmir” in my name to represent myself, also i want to have some psychology related touch up in my name and my blog will have random daily talks related to self love as i have studied psychology major and beauty etc.

  84. Hey great website! I want to start a blog about being a Grad student living in Germany. I mostly want to use the blog to update family, friends and people from my university back home about life here and the weekend trips I take. I can’t decide on a name yet, I really wanted “the study abroad blog” but that was definitely taken, but here are some others that I’ve thought of so far:
    – Schnitzel with a side of Research
    – Student life with schnitzel
    – beers and brains
    – Beers with Becky

    Any thoughts /suggestions? Thank you!

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