54 Creative Blog Names about Life, Love, Happiness and Personal Growth

One of the most popular subjects to blog about is life. Living it, experiencing it, dealing with it, and making the most of it. If you’re about to start a blog where you’ll be musing, ranting or raving about it, and are searching for a good blog name ideas, you may be in luck.

Listed below are 54 catchy blog names that refer to some aspect of life. There are inspirational phrases mixed together with a range of themes and styles to present an interestingly diverse choice.

You are free to choose and use them as your blog’s name, your blog’s website address and/or domain name if it’s available to be registered.

Before making your final decision, try to check in Google whether there is another blog with a confusingly similar name. Some of these names may already be names of existing products, so make sure you verify that it’s okay to use it.Β On the whole though, it should probably be fine to adopt most of these names for a personal blog.

  • Reasons to Smile
  • A Few Moments
  • Hints for Life
  • Looking Back
  • Laugh and Cry
  • Regret No More
  • Open the Window
  • Happiness is Free
  • Everyone Makes Mistakes
  • True Strength
  • Through My Eyes
  • Every Single Minute
  • Truer than True
  • Life too Precious
  • Keep On Moving
  • The Road to There
  • It Goes On
  • Positive Excellence
  • Youer than You
  • Miracle Me
  • Enhanced Experience
  • Fallen Future
  • Unlimited Choices
  • Walk Beside Me
  • The Good and Great
  • Minded Mindlessness
  • Forgotten Magic
  • Before It’s Gone
  • No Obstacles
  • Someday Today
  • Perfect Blemish
  • Flowering Thunder
  • Positive or Negative
  • Can’t Eat Money
  • At Some Point
  • Worthy of You
  • Ready to Love
  • Responding to Life
  • Courageous Proportions
  • Living Completely
  • Inner Awesomeness
  • Fantastically Liberated
  • Stop Being Busy
  • Voice or No Voice
  • Make It Easy
  • Shine So Bright
  • Too Many Dreams
  • Infinite Passion
  • Splendid Glory
  • Never Ever Ever
  • Utterly Amazing
  • Persistant Perseverence
  • Playing the Game
  • Evolving Perceptions

Hopefully, you found something you like. And if you didn’t, perhaps some of the names gave you ideas to create a one that’s a perfect fit for your blog.

183 thoughts on “54 Creative Blog Names about Life, Love, Happiness and Personal Growth”

        • Hello I came upon this blog and I’m looking into creating one myself. Its going to be on how to know there is hope out there for the single moms out there. Letting women know it’s not the end of the world when you find out that your husband has an affair.. I would really like some titles for the blog thanks!!!

        • Hello Sir.

          I want to start a blog on life itself.
          Economy, Sex, Religion, Love, Family, Moments… and ways to promote a food delivery service I just started. Been trying to create a catchy name for a long time now. Kindly help. Will mean so much to me

        • Hi Sam i wonder if you can help with a name. I want to create a closed group FB page to manage the flow if communication updates for my (breast) cancer therapy progress so that im not typing/texting/emailing and thinking about cancer all day. Can you help me with a FB page name. I am always smiling, glass half full, im all about focussing in the positives while so much is about the negative. i like yr suggestions shine so bright, choose laughter or happiness, reasons to smile (love this one) or something with angels being my mum and aunt watching over me. Im called Terrie, Ter Bear, Terrie Bear and picture us as in our late 50s love surfing and the sea and when we’re finished with therapy we’re heading off on a surfing/sailing trip in our van. I hope this gives you some ideas? Big hugs and thank you for your generosity ❀

    • My sister and I have been through a temendous amount of life experiences and overcome them finding meaning in all of them while finding humor as well. We want to blog not only about our life experiences but those of other strong women we know to motivate and strengthen other women. We would love to have a blog name with “sisters” in it. Any ideas?

    • HI! I was just wondering if you can help me think about my own blog name. I have this one before and I don’t know if I should use it again it’s “Wayward Kid” but now I’m thinking that I want a new one since I want to blog about a lot of things now. I started the ” Wayward Kid” blog when I was still in highschool (14), now that I’m 20 I’m thinking of having a new one which kind of relates with my life stories, travel, coffee( actually I want it to be about everything and anything) but I can’t think of a good name.

      Thank you so much!

    • Hi Sam wondering if you can help me?

      I’m starting my blogging journey. It’s about not just being a mum I work from home so it’s loosely about what I do my family day to day life but mostly that there is more to me than a mum!!

      Hope you can help. Thanks

    • Hey there. I recently read your article on finding creative blog names. I was wondering if you could help me find the perfect one for mine.

    • Hey Sam,

      I need your help with creative/catchy blog names. As I just started my own blog, I need a catchy and creative name. I am an enthusiastic writer and want to major in journalism, and I need something that is deep and meaningful. My blog is about lifestyle/general over all, so a mix of everything; reviews, fashion, news, etc. If you could please help generate names, that would be such a big help!!


  1. Hi Sam,
    I need your help.
    I want to start a blog focused on quarter life crisis and
    I already wrote several articles, I am like SUPER inspired…for the content.
    It’s been a few weeks now that I am still looking for a AWESOME blog name, and cannot find anything I like, creative and funny, like my writing style.

    Basically, I write about girls & boys my age (25 yo and more) that are older than 20 but younger than 30, in a fun and sarcastic tone. Letting them know that it is normal to have both pimples AND wrinkles at the same time…

    Can you please please please help me with that? IF you have any tiny idea, it would be awesome πŸ™‚



    • Hey Mae,

      You’ve got the perfect name right in front of you already – Pimples & Wrinkles. It’s brilliant.

      ‘Quarter Life Crisis’ is also totally spot on.

      You’ve got a great way with words and it sounds like it comes naturally. Just make a list of all the names that come to mind and i’m sure you’ll have plenty of gems to pick from.

      • hey sam. need your help. i want to start my own blog and it would be about love, life, happiness and motivation. i m so good in all these u know. and i can motivate people so perfectly. And i am looking for a unique blog name. so please please help me out and suggest me some names.

        ***** REPLY ******

        Hi Priyal,

        Great to hear you’ll be helping and motivating people.

        Please can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.

    • Funny I came across this.. I have a very similar thought. Figuring out where you stand in the lovely land of your 20s and am also struggling for a name. I want to include things that I seem to constantly be searching for, how to keep myself and my house looking classy but on a budget, cleaning, beauty, and budget tips I never thought I would need, etc. Just things that help to get through the time where no one expects us to have it all together but at the same time it’s totally unacceptable to still be a hot mess.

      • Hi Kay,

        Have you found a name yet?
        I am really interested in following your blog and see what tips you can give us all.
        I am French, therefore Pimples & Wrinkles would be to complicated to understand for most of my potential French readers… I am still struggling and looking for a name.
        Let me know when you find one and launch your blog ! πŸ™‚

    • Sounds like we’re all in the same boat, where finding a cool blog name is just as confusing as living life as a 20 something πŸ™‚

      Here are some interesting names that i got good ideas from:

      Life After College
      When I Grow Up
      Under 30 CEO
      The Unlost
      Simply Complicated
      Grad Meets World
      Modern Reject
      Twenty Nothing
      Still Searching
      All Groan Up
      One Mistake at a Time

      Note: these are all actual sites already, so don’t use/copy them.

  2. Hi Sam…
    luckily came across your post but I’m still looking for a name. I don’t want to ask friends as I haven’t told anybody what I’m doing yet. Basically I want my blog to be fun & witty, which I’ve been told I am, it will be musings about life and motherhood, crafty stuff me & my son get up too, healthy eating…well mostly healthy. There may also be small bits & pieces about decor & fashion….plus other random things I see that may inspire me to write (Such as the upside down half mannequin i snapped in a shop window with its knickers half down). I’ve come up with these two names but not sure if they work….
    A Mammy’s Rants, Bants & bitsa Fluff (too long?)
    A Mammy’s Randomness & Tat (makes it sound rubbishy?)

    A friend suggested Rants, Bants & Granny Pants?

    Pls help x

    • Hey Donna,

      A Mammy’s Rants, Bants & bitsa Fluff (too long?)
      A Mammy’s Randomness & Tat (makes it sound rubbishy?)

      I think both these two are interesting, but a bit too long to be memorable. And in the end, you’ll have your audience scratching their heads wondering whether it was Mammy’s Rants, Mummy’s Bants or Bits of Random Fluff πŸ™‚

      ‘Rants, Bants & Granny Pants’ is a lot punchier and certainly has the quirkiness. You just have to make it meaningful if you can.

      Ultimately, short names tend to be easiest to recall and generally the most effective:

      Bitsa Fluff
      Mammy’s Musings
      Granny Pants
      Rants & Bants
      Knickers Half Down

      It’s always tempting to try and be witty or overly clever. Perhaps it may be better to save that for your blog posts and to keep the name nice and simple.

      Anyway, do let us know what you end up going with, and good luck with the blog.


  3. Hi! Can you help me think of a blog title? Im planning to make a blog diary about an anonymous girl. It also contains inspirational blog topics for young girls who made a mistake, fell down and stand up again. Some are also about the lessons, dangers, regrets and success in life.

    • Hey Pam,

      Here are some ideas:

      Beautiful Mistakes
      Bounce Higher
      Pick Myself Up
      Fab Teen Years
      Really Growing Up
      Good Days Bad Days
      Ecstatic Agony
      Mind Over Chatter

      Do share any names you’re considering if you want any feedback

  4. Hi sam,
    My name is alex ,Im so glad I stumbled upon your blog. Ive been bugging myself with the a blog name for so long and still haven’t decided on any. Im planning to blog more about lifestyle. the books i read, music ive been listening to , or any life lesson I’ve learned. I also want to explore more about quarter life crisis . I want the name to be like a pun (?) i thought about words of weirdom which is kinda off i think. Id really appreciate any suggestion. . more power to you πŸ™‚

    • Words of Weirdom is quirky in it’s own way. Some may go with it but if you feel it’s a little off, then maybe it’s worth digging deeper.

      A good place to start may be to identify what’s unique about you, your lifestyle, books you read or life lessons learned. What’s your blog or your personal brand ‘identity’?

      • Hi sam,

        I really appreciate your reply. Yeah, thats the thing I really can’t think of anything unique about “me” probably because im having this quarterlife/identity crisis like everyone else. lol. what I can say though is I try to apply humor to otherwise unfortunate scenarios; an introvert ,a little too bipolar for my own good and undecisive. I want to discuss about the mistakes/bad decisions Im sure someone from my age group stumbled once or twice and talk about my learnings (if i ever learned something from it) I just want to have a blog that could help people out there going through the same phase like me. Or that one weird friend someone didnt have perhaps?

        thank you sam!

  5. Hey sam,

    I want to run a blog, that should be informative and engaging. I want to get started as a writer but not those serious writer. I want to restrict it to the blend of creativity, information and valued notes with the shared experiences of stories and moments. I need it to be more acceptable and catchy.
    Please guide me in that manner.

    • Hi Arfa,
      Please can you share what names you’re considering at the moment and a list of blog names that you think are catchy.
      To get suitable suggestions, it helps to know your taste.

  6. Hey Sam

    I hope you’re still helping with blog names because I really need your help. I’m an aspiring plus size model who wants to start blogging about plus size fashion and basically just sharing experiences and showing that you don’t need to be skinny in order to model or look good. I want to inspire women out there to love their bodies especially if they are plus size. I’m a very creative and fun person so I’d like to have a name that captures that essence.

    Please please please help a sister out. Thank you πŸ™‚ I look forward to your response.

  7. Your website has been the most helpful one I’ve found yet, so thank you for that! I want to start a lifestyle blog about gardening, DIY, daytrips, etc.. I am having a hard time coming up with a name. Any advice or suggestions?

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hey Shelley,

    You’re welcome, glad to help. In order to provide suitable ideas, i need to know a bit more about your preferences.

    “Please can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.”

    • As you review other blog names to see how they’re composed, you should get ideas for your own. For instance, some people want their personal names in the blog name, others want to incorporate the place they live to make the blog more locally focused, others prefer to have something wittily funny, while the majority are looking for a clever twist on words. What’s your preference?

  8. Hello Sam!
    Thank you so much for this website, it actually helped a lot. But I was wondering if you could help me naming a new blog that I want to realize. It’s a blog that features people who do what makes them happy and makes beauty out of it. I hope to hear from you, soonest!

    All the best, Jillian.

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hello Jillian,

    You’re most welcome. Sure, i can try to offer suggestions for your new blog’s name. As mentioned to Shelley above:

    β€œPlease can you share some examples of blog names you like (or don’t like), as well as any you’ve come up with yourself and may be considering. It’ll be much easier to offer you good suggestions once i know the styles you prefer.”

    “As you review other blog names to see how they’re composed, you should get ideas for your own. For instance, some people want their personal names in the blog name, others want to incorporate the place they live to make the blog more locally focused, others prefer to have something wittily funny, while the majority are looking for a clever twist on words. What’s your preference?”

    • A good place to start is to go through the 54 names listed above to pick out ones you like and describe what appeals to you about them.

  9. Hi Sam,

    Sadly my last blog was just hacked and was waiting to see it can be retrieved. Would love some help figuring out a backup blog name. It’ll be showcasing my outfits, inspirational content with decor and advice. I would love it to be timeless and catchy with something style inspired? Would love your thoughts

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hey Marie,

    Sorry to hear about your blog being hacked. If you have to create a replacement, you could still use the same name. Why do you think you need to find a new name?

    If you really want a brand new blog name, please take a look at the other comments in this thread where i’ve requested for more information in order to be able to offer useful suggestions.

  10. Hi! I wanted to write a blog about fashion and advice. I live in toronto and wanted to incorporate something with the sixth or the 416 area code and would love your advice πŸ™‚ Looking forward to hearing from you!

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Nia,

    You have a lot of options if you intend to use a relatively unique element such as ‘the sixth’ or ‘416’ in your blog’s name.

    The Sixth Style
    416 Fashionista
    Vogue on the Sixth

    You can literally combine them with any keyword or blend them into plenty of fashion related phrases.

  11. Hi im an introvet and i love writing and its usually deep emotional mystical sort of writings about anything and everything on life. Im looking for a name that fits this picture and also deep. can u offer some help with this

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi teekay,

    Yes, sure. As you can see me repeating like a broken record in the other replies, i need as much information as possible in order to provide meaningful suggestions. In particular, examples of names you like.

    As i’m sure you’d appreciate, what’s ‘deep’ to someone may not be to someone else.

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    • Here’s a few that come to mind …

      Introvet – this may be a typo from you, but if you are a vet, then it could be a top option
      Mystical Depths – speaks for itself
      Anything about Everything – not very deep though
      Words of Life – a bit middle of the road

  12. Hello. I loved this list, but would love some help. I’m planning to write a blog about starting a nonprofit (which includes life as a distance graduate student for my masters degree in nonprofit management). Being a homemaker my journey to healthier living and disabilities/chronic illness. I have so many interests it I want it to be cohesive.

    I’ve thought about Lifestyle of a nonprofit mom, and nonprofit mom as possible titles but if you or others have any other suggestions I’m very open to them.

    ***** REPLY ******

    Hi Sarah,

    The first decision to make is whether it’s essential to include ‘nonprofit’ in the name. Since it’s a personal blog where you intend to write about other topics as well, it may be better not to overly restrict yourself.

    ‘Lifestyle of a nonprofit mom’
    ‘Nonprofit Mom’

    If you’re keen on including it, then the 2 you shared are nice and simple. ‘Nonprofit Mom’ is the shorter and punchier one of the two. It’s memorable and gets straight to the point.

    It’s also a good play on words when you apply nonprofit to the non-work side of your blog and how parenting involves unconditional giving without much consideration for personal gain.

    • After reflecting on it for a bit, i would go with ‘Nonprofit Mom’. It has all the makings of a great name that suits what you described.

  13. Hi Sam,

    I have for a long time wanted to blog but have never come up with a name that I like or if I do its already taken. It will be a mom blog with different topics (Family, raising a special needs kiddo, cooking up stuff I find on line, crafts, cloth diapering…and well just life. I’ve been told I’m pretty funny and have a good sense of humor too but just can’t get a blog name.

    The one I recently was set on was “Blue eyed sunshine”. My family all has blue eyes and blonde hair.

    I really look forward to your suggestions, Thanks!

    ***** REPLY *****

    Hi Brianna,

    Sounds like your blog will be an interesting read. It’s time to get over this naming hurdle and get started.

    “but have never come up with a name that I like or if I do its already taken” … Please can you share some of the names you like, and the ones you don’t, so that i can get a better idea of your taste.

    And what do you mean by “its already taken”? Are you referring to the .com domain name, the username at wordpress.com, or something else?

    If you come up with a name you really like, but the exact matching .com domain or wp.com username is taken already, it is still possible to use the name. All you need to do is add a small modification to the website address.

    For example, there is a blog called ‘A Wasted Life’, which can be found at https://awastedlifeblog.wordpress.com/ … i’m sure the blogger tried to get the exact matching username (ie. awastedlife.wordpress.com) but it was already taken, so she just appended the word ‘blog’ at the end.

    I see that these are both taken already:


    But this is available (blueeyedsunshine.net) and you can always use it as your blog’s address and still call your blog ‘Blue Eyed Sunshine’.

    What do you think?

  14. Hoping you can help. I am trying to come up with a catch blog name.
    A little background….
    My hubby is a vegetable farmer. We grow lots of veggies. I live in a mother/daughter house with my old fashion Italian in laws. (Kinda like Everybody Loves Raymond)! LOL He’s an only child. We have 2 (techy) boys. Oh…forgot to say…Hubby doesn’t eat any veggies! (I told you he grows them!, right? Crazy!) He’s a meat and potato guy all the way and only eats American or Italian food! I love all kinds of food, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Thai, etc. You name it! I LOVE to cook, I mean LOVE with a capital “L”. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer a year ago and it changed everything for me. I am on a journey to be the healthiest I can be by exercising more, eating well, cutting out processed foods and converting my family to do the same. I also just started Running and I am hooked. Such a high!
    Soooooo……what do you think? Any catchy blog names you could offer? Thanks so much for your help!!!!

    ***** REPLY *****

    Hi Cari,

    Great to hear your positive energy. Keep it up and good luck with the blog.

    As i’ve mentioned to other posters, it helps a lot if you can share some names you’ve come up with yourself or examples of existing blog names you really like.

    For now, here are some ideas with a variety of naming styles that are inspired by your post …

    Cari On
    Such a High
    Bubbly Farmer
    Seven Veggie Sins
    Hooked on Life
    Kinda Crazy

    Will try to share more after getting some feedback from you.

    • “I am on a journey to be the healthiest I can be by exercising more, eating well, cutting out processed foods …”

      Being happy and sleeping well also help a lot.

      • Thanks so much Sam!

        I love “Cari On”. Can’t believe that was right in front of me and it never came to me. I kept thinking Carrying On but couldn’t figure out how to spell it (Cari-ing On) and that’s exactly why I wrote to you! lol Needed someone on the outside looking in! πŸ™‚ I like that you picked up on the bubbly description. That’s me for sure! And yes, being happy and sleeping well are on my “To Do” list. Especially the happy. I am, for the most part, but it is a work in progress, mostly because I’m living in a mother/daughter house with my in-laws…LOL I am; however, learning to let the little things go.

        I came up with these names but thought they were too much about cooking and not about anything else and then got stumped.

        Cari Over Cooking
        Cari’s Capers

        I think I am leaning towards Cari On but are there any other suggestions you can offer?

        Thanks so much!

        • Hi sam,
          i need your help:)
          I actually transformed my blog into a personal blog.
          I post like my daily life projects and journey, and some inspiration pics about humbleness, self love and freedom. I do love mother nature. And love my life as a whole.
          Waiting your response.
          Thank you. I send warm hugs.

      • Hello Sam!

        I was wondering if you were still helping to create
        blog names?
        I could really use your help!
        Thank tou!

  15. Uhm.. Hey,I just came across this..
    Im 16, and I’d like to start a blog..
    I dont have a specific theme,I write a few inspiring ones,sarcastic, soulful and so on so forth..
    Im confused on my blog name.. Any suggestions?
    I like
    Perfect Blemish
    The Roadto there
    Psithurism Scenes
    Hooked on life.
    Any more suggestions if you could? πŸ˜€ Pls do give ur thoughts

  16. Hi Sam! I really need help. Basically, it’s about me and my sister Anna and about our crazy life. We live with six siblings and one dad. Our house is super crazy. Also, in December our dad is getting married to this high strong women named Kate and she and her two kids will join us in our smaller house.
    So, basically it’s about two girls and their crazy family.
    Please help!

  17. Hi,

    My husband and I spent 5 weeks in the panhandle of Forida last summer, Destin specifically. I created a blog last summer for this exiting 5 weeks that included lots of stuff about the area we lived, exiting things we did, sunrises, sunset, beaches, etc. etc. etc. I used my blog last summer to document our exciting adventures as well as to keep our families and few select friends in the loop of what we were doing. It was fun events along with background info and history of the things we did. So it was filled with pictures and our doings but also some cool background info. Anyway this summer we decided to quit our jobs and move down here for the year. We are back in the panhandle but are getting ready to move to a new, different, and really cool section of the panhandle. I want to create another blog documenting this year (and maybe beyond) of our lives. The title I used last year isn’t relevant now, it isn’t broad enough and really only works for last year – not a good choice for continuing our journey. So…we are outdoorsy ppl, love the beach, exploring dune lakes, festivals, restaurants, etc. I feel like it is a big deal that we quit our jobs, are heading in a new direction. I have also recently lost a parent so a turning point for me in my life and part of this escape from the norm. Want something that I can carry beyond here too if we ever leave.

    Here are some ideas:
    Folly Lollies
    The Grass is Greener
    Toes in the Sand
    Carpe Diem
    Live, Work, Play
    Life After Death (kinda morbid)
    The Sandy Dog
    Emerald Green Waters
    Sandy Modus Operandi
    S’More Outdoors
    Escape from the Norm

    These are some I like…

    Thanks for your response!

    • Some others I thought of today…

      Gulliver’s Travels
      Fried PIckles (pickles as in toes)
      Pickles in the sand
      Sandy Paws
      Stool Pidgeon

  18. Hi Sam,

    Thanks so much for the helpful tips, tricks and advice you’ve provided throughout this blog post. My name is Rechelle and I just had a sudden inspiration to start a blog as a way of expressing myself and possibly helping myself along the way. Im 22 years old, recent college graduate and wanted to focus my blog around the road to self discovery. I definitely want to encompass life style whether it be tips, food and other stuff but i wanted it have focus in finding my purpose and documenting all the bumps along the way. From the names you listed, the word evolving really stuck out to me and i also like “the road to somewhere” . A quote that i enjoy is “not all that wander are lost” . I would appreciate any help or advise you could offer πŸ™‚
    Best Regards,

  19. Hi Sam – I left a lengthy post here and asked for some help with blog names? It never was posted, nor replied to. Just vanished as if never here? What happened?

  20. Hi Sam,
    I just googled witty blog names and your post came up, I have read through the post and comments as well, excellent work. Please help me find a blog name too.
    The current blog name is
    TPGanzin Escapade
    where dumb is funny (tagline)
    I write about personal, social, political and other stuffs, meaning there’s no fixed category. By ‘escapade’ I meant something like a place to escape but I could’t find the right word. I have been pondering around sth like “stalkerspace 2.0” but that’s already been used as a Facebook group.
    Please help me find a witty blog name. If you need some idea about the kind of posts I write, my blog is available at tpganzin1.com
    Thanks a lot

  21. My name is quinn and I just started my first public blog and I really wouldkme some hp coming up with a name. I’m in my young twenties. My blog will be about everything really like how I chose my career, my fall to do list, etc. I don’t think I can find a good name using my name. Any ideas? I’m stuck!!

  22. I have been blogging since 2005. Keep buying and abandoning domains ever since. I want to launch a blog wherein I want to express my responses, rants and opinions on news, political matters, television ads, lacunas of comman men etc. More of unsuppressed rants and thoughts. Can you help me to come up with something catchy and conveying? I like the following from your list.
    Looking back
    Infinite choices
    Walk with me
    Responding to life
    Evolving perceptions

    How do you like ‘A wanderer’s impressions’.
    If shortened ‘wampressions’
    Thanks for your time.

  23. Hi!

    I have a blog but I feel the name doesn’t fit the blog. I love all the names listed above, but none of them seem to fit my blog. I am an amateur blog writer. If I have to I will start over but I want a name that fits the blog. My blog will include my life as a stay at home mom, and a college student. I would love something witty but it’s not a must! Your help is greatly appreciated.

  24. Hi, i was wonderinf if you can help me with a name for mt blog. Im in university and I want to start a blog about entering into the world as a young adult, how to find you style, likes, how to find yourself, and how to get through the difficult stage. I want to share my tips on how I get through it and inspire others to πŸ™‚

  25. Hey Sam
    its been long i have been wanting to start my blog on natural dyeing but the names i could think off or want are already taken or registered. I am a natural dyer and m really passionate about my work and want to start my own label in the same business. i ma looking for a very unique and appropriate name. Hope you could help me on that …
    Thanks you


  26. Hi Sam,
    Hope you are doing well and I am so happy i was able to come accross this page. I am a 42 year old female and would love to start my own blog focusing on woman empowerment, but also incorporate fashion, beauty, health, and travel. I want to emphasize how you can love, live and be stylish after 40. It was so hard for me to accept that I am getting older and accept the changes. Through friends and counseling and constant positive reading which lead me to gratitude, helped my bypass and be happy with who i am accept the changes and be grateful. I am trying to come up with a name and can’t seem to come up with one that really touches me. Can you please help me?

  27. Hi Sam,
    I stumbled on your blog while searching for the right name for the blog I wanted to start. (Glad I did.) I need help naming it.
    It would be a diary of day to day stuff , about my job, opinion about comics and movies, talk about recipes I have tried, share pictures I have taken and daily entry for the language I’m learning and other things.
    I thought of A little of everything , Random Me . But it doesn’t feel right. πŸ™‚
    I’m 28, a teacher and I wanted to incorporate XYZ in it.

    How should I name it? Your ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  28. I am looking to get help on a name for my blog. It will be about life, empowerment, encouragement, and happiness. I wanted to keep my name Laura in the title. Please help.

  29. Hey!
    I’ve been trying to find blog name for myself for about a month, getting no where! I viewed your post today and the suggestions are amazing. I found “Through my eyes” one very interesting. As soon as I saw it another one “The world I see” came to my mind but I don’t know if its good enough. Can you give me some more suggestions? I want to write about my life in the blog. Whatever significant and shareable happens to me, whatever I see and observe, my opinions on issues and happenings and things like that. It doesn’t have a specific topic or target audience. It’s just that I want to have a platform where I can express myself and where my opinions and experiences give power and motivation to someone else. Some suggestions from you would be really helpful.
    Thanks πŸ™‚

  30. Hey Sam,

    I haven’t started a blog yet, but I’m seriously thinking about it. But I’m not sure what to title it. In general I would like to blog about life and situations pertaining to life, like anything between the ups and downs of life, just anything in general. Or write in things that pertain to other people that they can come to, to get advice, so maybe even write some advice articles as well. I want to blog about my life as well and maybe even add in a few short stories. I have thought about using ‘Incompletely Me’ as my title, and course I love some of the ideas you have as well that jumped out. Thank πŸ™‚

  31. Hi Sam – I just wanted to check if you are still helping with blog names. The list above is amazing.

    My blog is about cooking, natural living, life, essential oils, living simply, getting back to what is important etc.

    Thank you

  32. Hello!

    Stumbbled upon this post and i am so grateful. Just thought people here could help. I am looking for a catchy and creative name for my blog wherein i am going to speak about anything and everything that matters to us.

    Please help with few suggesstions!!


  33. Hi
    I’m starting my own blog and I’m sturrugling to come up with a nam . My blog if basically a food , beauty and lifestyle blog. Thanks

  34. Hi: I wrote the preceding letter, and was grateful to see that it’s stuck in moderation approval… because then I saw all off the typos! Can you please delete that one, and use this one? I’d hate for that mess to be my entry level work…


    I really loved this site, I loved how many links that you provided so that you made it easy to find MORE samples, and learn more blogging styles, creations, and ideas.

    I guess you could say that I want my blog to be about life. But, it’s intended to be sometimes inspirational, sometimes gritty and harsh… a little on the politics of crime and criminalization, the bureaucracy of a social service system that’s so over bureaucratic, we can’t get services. It’s on being a mom of one teenager, and two young adult sons, three dogs, two cats. And in all of this, is me. The caretaking granddaughter, of grandma and grandpa. And, yes, indeed, we all live together, and make this work.
    You think you have problems…..

    Oh, and I’m deaf, a single mom, and all this stress has given me cancer, but I still I laugh, love, and hope to inspire others, to feel just those things, when they read our stories.
    I hope to be tough on over legislation, that drains funding from families like mine, who pick up the slack, for family’s like mine, of whom, I suppose we have some relatives somewhere, since we get flowers for Grams on Mother’s Day, but they sure don’t do anything. Lately they’ve been sending my grandparents tickets to Las Vegas (laughing hysterically, while also wanting to smash something). Don’t they know how bad we need upgrades on the home to accommodate their increasing immobility… No, they don’t. I don’t tell, and they don’t ask or visit. But, soon they will. We need someone to prune the trees, and a pool guy would be nice. My sons have taken on the world, too, in this… They work full time, go to school. They drive them places, do repairs… All the help we can get would be great. And, they too, are perceived as the freeloaders, freeloading kids… And they are heroes.

    I sold my paid-for-home of twenty years, giving my grandparents all of the money, to help them, and gave up my dreams of marriage, my career in social work, My status in society, and my self-respect as Mom, because in these families, it’s hard to maintain to the family that hierarchy that separates me from them, and that level of esteem , that comes with mom, apparently I gave up sex, since I don’t see hat happening here…. And my identity as a successful human being…… never realizing that doing that, apparently makes me homeless, in the eyes of society, and my relatives. Gotta love that.

    So, I’ve always used sunshine as part of my name, I have used sunshine for so long now that it is practically branded, but not in blogging circles… And, I’m happy to drop my real first name. I need all the Sunshine I can get.

    Originally I wanted to use something like ThroughDazeySunshineDaze or ASunshineDazeyLife… a spinoff on my nickname, and a twist on my grandma’s floral first name, and though she may be in her nineties, I’m pretty much as dazed and forgetful as any one.

    But, I’m not really seeing that, through those names, you can see that this is about a very complex family, struggles, survival, love, betrayal, fun, and the journey to persevere as family in spite of extraordinary struggles, no matter what. Perhaps, If I threw the word Home in there somewhere, that would encompass all of us… Can you please help?

    No I don’t have the blog set up, I was hoping to get the name, and as you can see, I’m pretty busy. But, things are getting better, and I finally want to get this down. There are millions of families like us, most of them alienated and isolated. Though I’ve seen some support groups, I haven’t seen many, (any) blogs of caretaking by multigenerational families, but I predict there will be. I’d like to be first, best, and make it a heck of a lot easier for someone else.

    Oh, and famous. So the relatives that send my grandma flowers on Mother’s day, and look at me like I’m the freeloader from hell, so they can eat crow. She could’ve used a maid, a lot more than the damn flowers, and it would have cost the same. If they don’t think I’m doing a great job, by all means, come spend a day, and tell me all about it… I’d love to show them.

    So, can you please help me? Though, I did not have a blog to show, you, I think I’ve detailed it pretty well. Thank you, thank you… thank you. I kind of have a feeling that’s it’s actually fairly obvious, I’m just too tired, to see it. πŸ™‚

    Sunshine Something Or The Other

  35. Hello ,
    i’m just starting out and have been looking into writing a blog
    i have came across this and have seen you help these people with different names for their blogs
    i am not exactly sure if you are still helping or if you will even see this but i am hoping you might be able to help me out in the slightest bit
    my blog will be about everything from everyday life, life with children, family and friendship problems.
    it’s gonna be a mixture of everything
    if you could help that would be amazing,
    thank you πŸ™‚

  36. Hey sam
    Wanna start my Blog and it’s going to be about sharing my thoughts on Music, Fashion, LifE style, politics etc but don’t have a name idea. Help

  37. I need your help!! Im trying to come up with a name for a diy lifestyle blog, and I need some helpful creative juices! My name is Autumn, so I know it would be ingenious to incorporate my name somehow as a season thing, or maybe not at all. My nickname is also Aj if that helps with something creative too.

  38. Hi Sam! I am thinking creating my personal blog about school, life, family, travels, etc. But I can’t think the best title on it. Any ideas help can you share about the best title I can use.
    Thanks much!

  39. Hi there, I need a creative book title for my “book of life” lol its so boring to call it “my book of life” or something very common, hope you can help me, thanks! πŸ™‚

  40. Hi Sam,

    I am new to blogging.Thought of it several times but always ended up in confusion of what to write. Now that I have decided over the content, I am not getting any name.Please help me regarding that. I want to write about the creativity. I do scrapbooking, do decorations, lots of paper crafting. I want a catchy ryhming name.
    Thanks for your help in advance

  41. Hi sam,
    I am thining about atarting a blog as i love to write my thoughts. My blof id just going to be about general things, such as my experiencez, lifestyles opinions on whats happening in my surroundings, etc.
    Now i have thought of a name for my blog but I am not sure if it would be good
    It’s : mygardenoffragrances
    I am not too keen on the second one but i want to include the word fragrance in my name as it is the meaning of my name. Please if you’re still helping out with the name. Reply to me ASAP.

  42. Hi there!!

    Was hoping you cou help with a catchy blog name. Ideally would like my name incorporated (Noelle). This will be a lifestyle blog that will include travel, weekends in la, coffee, and ootd. Let me know what you think πŸ™‚

  43. I like your article on 54 creative blog names. However, I would love some help/suggestions with a name for my upcoming blog. I’m a single mom with 3 children (ages 10-12) who will be traveling the world, homeschooling and sharing bits of our life. I’m having a difficult time finding blog names. Please help.

  44. Hi Sam

    I would like to create a facebook page/blog. I am into personal development, personal growth, live motivational quotes, nature inspirres me, love being outdoors. I like healthy food, quick and simple recipes, love healthy foods that take no longer than half an hour to prepare πŸ™‚ similar with exercise. Short, sweet and simple πŸ™‚ my initials are KK. Oh and I love tulips. I would welcome some ideas for the name of the blog, FB website. many thanks

  45. Hi Sam, what a wonderful site you have.

    Well, I have a website already but the name I have been using on it limits me. I am a Christian woman and I want to have a different blog that will allow me to express myself free with my ideas, inspiration, my day to day life while inspiring others etc.

    My blog name is African super woman and it kind of limit me of what I should or can write. And people misunderstand it. I am looking for a name that will not define my race or my origin. Just a cool name that will define me as a woman, a normal Christian with everyday struggles like other people.., also bits nd pieces of my personal world.

    Would you help?

  46. Hii Sam
    I am thinking to start a new blog and I am looking for a catchy name
    My blog is all about my journey .It will cover fashion, lifestyle, food and everything
    Hope you can suggest me some names
    Thank you

  47. Hi Sam,
    So I’ve read your posts about coming up with a blog name but I still can’t seem to figure out what exactly I’m after. I generally liked the ones you came up with but so far I haven’t found one I could alter. My blog’s more lifestyle related, where I share DIY’s, recipies, personal posts, travel posts other lifestyle content and the occasional beauty related post. I’m in my early 20s so obviously I’m still trying to figure life out.
    I was thinking of something quite simple, 2-3 words, maybe an alliteration, or something that just makes a statement by itself.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  48. Hi Sam,
    Can you help a sister out? πŸ™‚ I’m trying to come up with a name for my blog. It would pretty much consist of my personal adventures as a 27 yr old girl from NJ who travels ALOT, likes fashion, is married to an awesome guy, and flips houses for a living. I was thinking of just my full name, or adventures with Geraldine but it’s kind of blah… help! πŸ™‚

    Thank you

  49. Hi
    Are you still providing the name suggestions. I am planning to start a blog on working women lifestyle, it will cater to hints and tips on various aspects of work in Pakistan, career tips, lifestyle things such as what to wear, working moms, parenting when you are working, apps and techs for working moms and working women, I am also planning to include some series for single working moms, etc. I am stuck at name πŸ™ thought of queen bee but it was aweful name, then thought “bytheway” but it doesnt click to me. Can you help pleasssssssssssssssssse.

  50. hi my name is Aashka jhaveri
    i am a teen trying to come up with a catchy blog name. i wanna blog primarily about fashion and also art, sports and general teenage rantings .
    i want to incorporate ‘ash’ or AJ in my blog name
    i came up with ‘ash on fash’ and ‘essentially a j ‘ but not too sure can u suggest a few options please

  51. hi Sam,

    Im trying to start a blog about everything and I cant seem to come up with a name I want it to perfect for me and funny, but at the same time smart. I dont seem to know how to get the right one. I was hoping you may help me come up with a name.

    thank you,
    Dreaci Young

  52. Hi Sam,
    I’m a dutch girl, looking for an awesome name for my new blog.
    But I have no inspiration. Can you help me?
    The blog is about my life, nice places to eat, my favorite music ect.
    Do you know a good name?

    Thanks in advance!

    Greetings from Netherlands!

  53. i’m starting a blog about my life through growing up in a abusive family, domestic violence and drug addiction. Coming out the other side getting a degree and struggling with mental illness and having a parent with mental illness.
    i know live in a tranqil rainforest setting amongst many Camellia trees. They help my healing with their beauty. i was thinking of something along the lines of;
    inbetweenthecamellias do you have any suggestions please

  54. Hi Sam,

    I recently just started a blog, however I feel that the title just isn’t “clicking”.

    I mainly write about my thoughts and views on certain subject matters which I feel very strongly about, whilst also posting the occasional inspirational quote. In the near future, I plan to blog about my travels, about football, and perhaps writing book reviews, too.

    So, I was wondering if you could help me out by suggesting an appropriate title to use for my blog. Something which sums up what I write about, more or less.

    Thanks in advance! πŸ™‚

  55. Hi Sam,
    Can you help me think of a blog title?
    I’m an Interior designer and I would like to make an informative and fun, House and Garden blog with all my Home Makeover projects.It’s going to be about beautiful interiors, more organised homes and creative DIY decor. However as I’m a hardcore environmentalist, I would also love to preach of ways to live and eat green. So the keywords about my soon-to-be-made-blog are dwell, decor & healthy food and garden. But I can’t think of a creative way to combine these keywords into the blog title. From your listing, I liked ‘open the window’. But it feels too vague with regards to my blog. I thought of names like ‘Humble Earth’ and ‘Down to Earth’. But these titles seem to only emphasise the green part of my blog and not the designing aspect. I also thought of ‘Dwell Decor’, ‘Design Helpmate’ but this only highlights the designing aspect. I want my blog title to give equal relevance to both the designing aspect and the green aspect.

  56. Hello! I have a blog on Blogit. I want a catchy name, that has the same initials as a day, eg. TinyBiscuit, TinyTuesdays (That’s taken)
    I was thinking of this
    Frappuccino – FrappuccinoFridays
    Honestly thats it! PLEASE help me! I need a name, and desperately! Also, it would be great if it could flow with my followers. Back on with TinyBiscuit, hers is TinyBiscuit-TinyTuesdays-TinyCookies! Thanks!

  57. Hi Sam.
    Just an awesome work. But, feeling sorry to say that I didn’t found my blog name of choice. My blog is about social media tricks, gaming, information technology and tutorials. Please help me with a name. You can mail me here –> [email protected] ( anybody can send your ideas to this mail address. Thank you in advance.


  58. Hi, I’m planning to write a blog about fashion, fitness, travel.. A lot of things.. Mainly it would be something about health and beauty. I wanted something that had “wild” or something with the “sun” (I know it’s weird but they are like my “good luck words”. If not you can give me any ideas without those words.. It doesn’t matter.

  59. Love this list of names!

    I am rebranding my blog and cannot for the life of me think of anything good other than “Cordially, Carla”. My current blog name is Blessed Mama’s Blurbs but I am no longer happy with the name. I feel it is holding me back from my true potential. Right now all I post on it is mainly reviews and giveaways. It’s considered a review/mom blog. I’d like to take it in the direction of becoming a Lifestyle blog. Something I can post pretty much anything on. If it helps out any, I am a gamer, mom of 2 girls, married, bookworm, etc. I’m just really stuck at the moment. Any suggestions?

    I see the last time you commented was in 2015 but figured it’d be worth a shot. TIA. πŸ˜›

  60. Hey Sam,

    I’ve been thinking about starting a Blog but I’m not sure what my Blog name should be.

    I’m planning on creating a Beauty Blog about makeup, fashion, health, lifestyle and travel. My target audience would be for people aged from 16-30.

    In my Blog I’m planning to post my favorite my favorite places to visit, review current makeup trends and generally just write and post about my beauty and style interests.

    I originally wanted something with my name in it but I’ve struggled to put that together.

    The only ones I have come up with atm is “Glam and Glow” or “Amy’s Beauty Blog”

    I would be very grateful if you could let me know what you think and maybe suggest some other names for me?

    Thank you so much and ill look forward to hearing from you.


  61. Hi Sam

    You got an amazing website !!

    I was thinking to start a page for selling books and writing blogs on reading which will also have book reviews and everything about books. I live in Dubai and also believe that this will encourage reading habit among people living in Dubai.

    Can you please suggest me some creative page/blog name which i can use?


  62. Hi Sam
    Please I wanna vlog on issues relating with life,teens and healthy relationships but am yet to get myself a nice name.Please help me out

  63. hai ,
    I am new one here Actually I am in confusion now in write the content related life and goal . Can any one help me to write effective content once check my site gamya8.wordpress.com give your valuable suggestions to me friends.


  64. Hi, my 31 yr old daughter and i want to start a blog about mother daughter adventures. She is a spin teacher and I am a Pilates teacher and health coach. Every time we are together we take fitness classes, go hiking, shopping, etc. We happen to think and like the same things. Our blog is about the different perspective in are ages doing things together. We are going to Bali on a yoga retreat and want to start our blog with our adventure. We are so stuck on a name. We liked, are we there yet, because I said so,
    We dont love them. We are a fun loving mother daughter duo that play and do healthy things together.
    Help please


  65. I am wanting to start blogging about my life. I’ve been married for 21 years, have an 18 year old son, 16 year old daughter, and twins that will be 2 in March. I want to write about our daily adventures, our busy life and how we manage the chaos. how to organize and plan parties. Life hacks and what your teen should know how to do before they move out. Recipes, money saving ideas, possibly videos too. I want something catchy and funny.

    I’m always being asked “how do you do it” and being told my hands are full. We are 100% country and redneck and I’m a mean strict mom.

    Any ideas??

  66. I am planning to start a spiritual blog… Can you suggest me few names? I am looking for words like om, soul, spiritual in it

  67. Hellow sir,

    I want to start a blog on wordpress just confused in selecting a appreciating name. Il be writing on my personal experiences, experiences where i could describe the concept of invidual or systemic change. I want to keep that blog personal because my past history is very much spoiled and i want to inspire everone that yes change is possible.

  68. Hi! I want to start a blog about personal style, beauty, hair, and lifestyle, but I have no ideas for a name. I am adventurous, I love to travel, and my style is very happy, floral, and tropical.

  69. So i wanna start a blog about things that you can relate to. In order for you not to feel alone in the world. I want a really cool unique name that mak s you happy reading it im just not sure though. I am pretty young and i just need a name to reflect me but i cant figure it out

  70. Hi Sam,

    You are so stinking creative!! I love reading all of the comments and seeing the cool unique names/phrases you come up with! Thats talent!! πŸ™‚

    I was hoping maybe you can help me out! I do a blog about health and fitness as well as make up! I thought maybe using my name would be cool… but I don’t know what would even go with “Brooklyn”. Hmm.. Hopefully you have some ideas!!

    Thanks so much!! πŸ™‚

  71. I am trying to come up with a fun name for a mother-daughter lifestyle blog. The blog will have funny personal stories/musings, and a couple other topics. Please HELP!! πŸ™‚

  72. Hi Sam,
    I really want to start a blog but I just can’t get past the naming process. There are some name ideas I have but I’m not so sure about them… My blog is about the life of a hijabi (someone who’s wearing a scarf on their head πŸ˜‰ ), modest fashion and inspiring texts to help out others struggling to find their place in this world as well as introducing non-muslims to my word.

    The name ideas I have are:
    – “HijabiLove” or “HijabiPassion” because the meaning of my name (widad) is “love, passion”
    – “LifeofaHijabi” well that speaks for it self
    but I’m first of all not sure if probably Hijabi is to difficult for some to remember… I really look forward to your suggestions, Thanks!

  73. hello,

    so I was thinking of starting a blog and got three choices for a name and wanted to know which one is the best.

    – alternative perspective
    – alternative life
    – a second choice

    My topics will mostly be about solutions to life problems or discussing life in general.

    Thank you,


  74. This is amazing thank you for sharing some ideas and helping others. Its been days that I’m searching and brainstorming ideas for my existing blog. Please could you help and assist with some ideas? My blog is all about lifestyle, fitness, motherhood, family, health, life, design and just life in general. I want to re-brand everything to be more of a brand. Every idea is already registered as a domain so I’m out of ideas.

  75. Hey Sam!

    I am in the process of starting a blog about my life as a mom. I am 27 and have three daughters (10,7 and 6 months) & an amazing husband. I want the blog to be focused on our ‘daily’ life – so I have a place to write about our adventures and post pictures but I also want to be able to to post recipes and lists and also more serious things like the struggles Mom’s go through (post partum depression for one)

    I have been trying to think of a name for months now and I just can’t seem to come up with one that is good enough and when I thought I found a good one ( One Cup At A Time) I checked its availability and it is already in use πŸ™

    If you have any ideas please let me know!

    Thank you πŸ™‚

  76. Hi Sam,

    I came across this article and wanted to say thank you for posting it. Although it was posted a few years ago, it will help me! I have decided to start a faith based blog to encourage, inspire and remind others that we can overcome the tough times life throws our way and be resilient. I have been playing around with names for a little over a week now and the ones I love are taken. I prefer to come a ‘.com’ domain and not use a name already in existence. Your ideas are really inspiring. I enjoy encouraging and uplifting others and the scripture below has inspired me to start a blog – I am hopeful I can come up with a name soon & get started!

    “She equips herself with strength {spiritual, mental and physical for her God given task}. And makes her arms strong” Proverbs 31;17.

    Would you say WordPress is the best site to host a blog? I know 2 women who use blogger. I’d like to find an easy to use site which will allow me the option to share blog links to Facebook.

    Any input you have would be appreciated!

  77. Hi, was wondering if you can help…not sure if tjis page is still active for response…I am trying to find a creative blog name to write about dogs and animals …about their life’s …from their point of view. I am looking for some fun name without making it obvious that it’s about animals…would you be able to help suggest few options please.

  78. Hi Sam
    I’m a 16 year old that would love to write a blog about Teens. I want to have a blog where I can help teenagers face their problems and give them advice. I want to create an email adress where they can email me and ask for advice but I have no idea what to call it,maybe Diary of a Teen or Teen Trouble? But I’m not sure if those exist already or not.

  79. Hello everyone,

    I need some inspiration for a matrimonial agency/dating site. Can you help?

    Thank you :)!

  80. Hi Sam!

    So I’m a teenager (17) and I’m looking to start a lifestyle blog on all of the things that I’m doing in my life from baking, art, school, beauty, sports/healthy living, DIY, fashion, and everything in between. I just cannot figure out what to use as my name! I want it to be something that mainly girls my age and older, up to like 25/30ish will see and use. I’m super diversified in my interests and the things I want to write about so I do not want to be limited by my name as to what I can write about and what will really be seen. Just more background info if you want it: I’m kinda preppy, I live by the beach/ocean (Massachusetts), I always happy and curious, and I’m definitely unique. I read lots of books, live off tea, and spend too much time on pinterest. I can’t contain my smile or my curly hair.

    Here are soem names from other bloggers that I like:
    Classy Girls Wear Pearls
    Gimmie Galmour
    My Cup of Tea

    Any ideas???


  81. Hi Sam, Just came across your website and I am really impressed by your suggestions.I am looking for a creative blog name for an inspirational blog targeted to young people- 18-30 yrs. I want a brand name as I am also a motivational speaker. Thanks in advance

  82. Hey,
    I want to write articles on the things which were a part of my life and maybe so normal it may sound but had a super dominance on me. Basically introspecting every stage of my life.
    Help with the blog name

  83. Hey , I want to start a blog on daily life, lifestyle love , fashion and finding happiness in small things.
    Suggest me a name! As I don’t want to ask any friends for suggestions because nobody knows what i am planning to do

  84. Hey Sam,
    I need your help. I wanna create a blog for Everything, Like daily life, motivation, inspiration, some educational facts etc. So please suggest me a blog name.
    Thank you

  85. Hi Sam,
    This is Sudheer I am a solo traveller I wanted to start a blog regarding travel, I wanted to share my travel experiences in the blog,
    so can you please suggest me some good ideas

  86. I would like an eye catching blog name for a christian inspirational blog. Meant to encourage people through their walk with Christ

  87. Hello Sam,
    I really loved the creative mind of words you possess.

    It would be great if you could guide me too on some creative, thoughtful words.
    I need a brand name for Diaries and

    Here it goes about me:-
    I am a jewellery designer by profession. however, i have a love for making handmade diaries.
    Initially, I started making customised handmade diaries, booklet & albums expressing a lot of happiness and joy to make something beautiful for people.
    Despite technology world, I still believe in having a physical book and writing our thoughts, dreams and feeling, especially when there is nobody to hear or understand you. Unknowingly your diary becomes your pal, whom you can pour your heart and mind without any fear of judgemental.
    It becomes your journey of feeling. It captures your feeling in the book that nobody can feel.
    The most beautiful part is when you discover the same diary after years. Reading & feeling all the emotions again becomes a mesmerising moment. Even sorrows and sad feelings become smile on your face. That is the power of writing and documenting your feelings.
    I make dairies with love and energy and wish to spread the same vibe and energy to others too.

    Can you suggest a good, catching brand name that can associate with my philosophy of thoughts.

    Thank you so much.
    Love ,

  88. Hey Sam

    I started a blog last year but I have not found a suitable blog title yet. My blog is mainly about Life experiences and lessons, Travel experiences, a little bit of photography. Could you please assist me in finding a suitable title.

    Thankyou in Advance

  89. Hi Sam,

    this is such a great initiative.
    I am looking forward to starting my own blog which basically covers a lil bit of everything like fashion, travel, food, sale reviews etc.
    it is just lik giving a review abt places I visit and were we cn find what etc,
    im badly looking out fr a peppy and catchy name which is sweet and subtle.
    pleaseeee help meee. would also prefer if I cn squeeze in my name sumwhere in the blog name


  90. Hey Sam,
    I want to start my own Fashion and Lifestyle Blog. I am searching for names but I am confused and cant find any. Could you please help me pick a name.
    Also i have few keywords such as Anonymous, Mannequin, Pastel, Palette

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank You.

  91. Hi Sam,

    I’ve just come across your page today and I’ve just started thinking about making my own personal blog. It’s somewhere where I would like people to go to every time they’re going through a difficulty.

    I’ve been thinking about it for years to be honest but never actually got round to doing it. I have written so many pieces of work about so many different topics e.g. love, depression, eating disorders, family, etc. But I really want the name of my blog to really stand out.

    There’s a page on Instagram whom I follow and she writes about alot of things that help me personally and I know it will help alot of others too. The name of her page is “herblankcanvas” which I absolutely love. I’m thinking of having a name similar to that, obviously not the same or anything like that but it really stands out to me.

    I’m hoping you can help! I do really like the names you have listed above. I usually am just a quick thinker when it comes to stuff like this but as it’s something that I want people to go to.. I really need it to be something special and spectacular.

    Much love!

    Erim x

  92. i want to start a blog about modest fashion which is related to Hijab and modest fashion. Cab yiu suggest some good name for my blog.

  93. Hi, I’m planning on starting a new blog and building up into a brand I’m unable to find a catchy name please help! My blog will feature beauty, travel, fitness and law related posts as I’m a law student.. it’s more like a personal blog! It would be great if you can suggest me classy and unique names. Thanks in advance.

  94. Hi Sam,
    I am hoping you are still offering some help with blog names. I have wanted to start a blog for a long time. It will have a mix of fashion and food and of course just fun, everyday stuff. I am disabled and would love to just put it out there that tho I have ailments I have learned to work with them and can still live a fun and happy life and look good too lol. I am really drawn to:
    Dawn’s Delicious Runway but I am not sure.
    What do you think and do you have any ideas of something better? I am open to suggestions!
    Thank you so much,

  95. Hi,
    I am sewing a quite/busy book..made from felt and fabric for babies and toddlers. A name to denote something for kids I did think of a lot of names..but unfortunately seems like all of them are already registered. its been more then 3 months that i am unable to figure out creative names.. . Will be glad if you can help me out..a few of the names that i thought of.. but seems like they already exist
    Curious little fingers
    Little/Curious/Hidden Escapade
    Spoonful of Adventures
    Mischievous Squad
    Enchanting Orchids and Dandelions(felt its bit long)

  96. Hello my husband is a pipeliner and we just recently got transferred 6 hours away in the middle of no where and I wanted to start a blog for our friends and family so they can keep up with our every day to day! A little bit about us we’re living in a camper with a dog and a cat so there’s a lot of obstacles in front of us! I’ve been wanting something unique but can’t think of anything!

  97. Hello,

    Are you able to help with a blog name please?

    I’m wanting to write quite a light hearted blog in my life in general. There will be articles on dating a new man and all the funny/weird things that come with that, but as well some cooking ideas and some other fun posts. DIYs etc x

  98. I love how helpful you are… thank you. I am turning 50 this year. And I am ready for life to be about me – not just my kids and husband. I am writing a pretty personal blog. A little bit travelogue. A lot of encouragement. Some spirituality. Personal growth. I am a special education teacher and may share thoughts about that. I am honestly not trying to make a living at this. Mostly a place for expression.

    I am deeply curious and have always said I have a tremendous sense of wonder. My email is wonderwithshel. I have a blog page set up called “wander wonder and learn” but fear it is long and vague. Meandering and wonder are words that speak to me. And Kindness, etc. probably a bit of a hippie vibe.

    Any thoughts for me ?

  99. Hi. I was trying to come up with a name for my new blog. I just finished writing a mini series on love relationship and life . I am looking for a good catchy name for blog.

  100. I’ve been wanting to start a blog regarding experiences. I’d like to blog about our experiences caring for my father with dementia, the trips I take my mother on when she needs a break, and projects I do around the house. I was thinking of finding Beaty in this life (.com) as a name but wonder if it would be too long? This is new to me and I’m not very techy….tia

  101. Hi im going to make my own blog for wellness,Lifestyle,Cosmetics or Skin care products
    Can you pls. help?thankyou
    i want it to be simple and cathy but fab xoxoxo

  102. Hello! My two best friends and I want to start a blog that is a day to day compilation of what our crazy goofy lives consist of. We are all from CA and went to three different colleges across the country and now we are still spread across the country working and just trying to survive and thrive in our twenties. we could really use some inspiration for blog names. We all have three very different personalities but have remained the best of friends for almost a decade now. thanks!

  103. Hi Sam. I’m looking for a blog name for long time and while looking on google came across this article. Pls help me with a name. I make skin and hair care products? It’s Indian, all natural preservative free. I liked Pimples and wrinkles, something on these lines would be nice.

  104. hi author I want to start writing my personal blog about those thing i experience but i don’t have any idea for the title i wish you can help me

  105. Hey Sam
    I came across this post and found it to be really useful. I want to start up a blog of my own…but have been stuck at finding the right name for it since months… im in my late 20s and I want to write about how we see things in a different light once we grow up… and changing priorities…It’s mostly an everyday blog about society and it’s changing perceptions and my personal take on them and just basically everyday things that we adults think but don’t say… About work, love, relationships,, rules, social behaviour And thinking it from a logical angle..!!
    A few names i have come up with
    The girl that thinks too much πŸ˜‹
    That’s what she said
    Adult-ing ain’t easy
    It’ll be great if u cud help

  106. Hi Sam,

    I’m not sure whether I will get a reply on your old blog but I found it really interesting. I’m planning to buy domain name on wordpress and thinking about a suitable name. Currently I’m a Mom of 2 year old girl with another due in 2 months. I love to write about parenting,Mom’s issues, love, travel and life as a whole. Can you suggest me some creative names please.

    Thanks and Take care

  107. Hey Sam….
    I write about life, love, friendship in a simple language.
    I haven’t written a blog earlier though. I just came up with the idea of blogging and got stuck at the first levels it self. I already have a page on instagram in the name of Littlestuff but i would prefer not using the same name. I know its a cliche but i am in love with the name ” the girl with the green scarf” after watching confessions of the shopaholic….. so may be something of that sort….

    and yes i write about stock market too so it can be both work and life…

  108. Need your thought on my blog name

    Oh my….the before and after

    All my kids are leaving this year, I’m a military spouse who is finding it hard to adapt to civilian life and a paralegal to a criminal attorney. My husband would contribute as a his teacher and how he changes kids life, how the they were before his class and how they think after his teachings…. thoughts

    • The blog theme will be lifestyle, how our lives change with the kids becoming responsible adults and educating us as their parents…my kids are amazing and surprise me everyday….the before and after makes me say Oh my everyday!

  109. I’m having a hard time coming up with a name which is really weird for me because this is usually my jam. If you could help me, I’d REALLY appreciate it. It’s going to be about make up and skin care. I want the women to be interested in it and I want them to feel strong, beautiful, and independent. Some names I’ve come up with are β€œPerfect Blemish”, β€œBlushwork”, β€œRadiant Imperfections” and they just aren’t ME! I’m funny, I’m goofy, I like to have fun, but I love helping people. I have a 1 and a half year old son and I also have lots of tattoos. Any ideas will help! TIAπŸ’•

  110. Hi,
    I’m also in the process of trying to get started. I would like my blog to be about life or overcoming obstacles.
    A little background is that I have lost my son to DIDS at the age of 2 months old. I have chronic autoimmune disease. And I just successfully got a liver transplant 4 months ago. And am doing AMAZING!! Many ppl have followed me via social media on my journey of ups and downs.
    All I can think of is “A Major Testimony” &
    “Mind over Chatter” But I really want to use the word major in the title. That was his middle name.

  111. Hi,

    Looking for a name for my new Instagram account and Blog. I am looking to start posting my travel adventures, my passion for food as well as my fashion stories. So really confused what I can name it.

    Abit of background to myself:
    Born in Tanzania
    Brought up in England
    I currently live in Australia with my husband
    Origin – Indian

    please help me πŸ™‚

    Thank you

  112. I want to start my blog for quotes and writing about life but don’t understand what should be name of this page so please suggest me some name for this..

  113. hey guys m also new here pls help me to find a perfect name for my blog. My blog is all about daily acitives,helping other teenager life. i m also 18 years old and i want a help for u guys. pls tell me howz this name “INNERVOICE’

  114. Hi Sam,

    Can u help me to find my title for my new blog..actualy i decide to create blog for my life journey , after i move on.I’m 33years old female…i wanna write about how to motivate self..and enjoy life.

    Thank you

  115. Hey Sam,
    Seems like I’m 3 years late but I thought I’d try. Any chance you’d be willing to help me with a blog name ?
    I want to start a writing blog. Or a quotes blog about love and life and everything in between! A bit like Rupi Kaur or RM Drake, but anonymous.
    Any suggestions ?

  116. I am about to start a blog which covers topics in diversified area like technical, motivational, positivity, lesson for life etc. pls suggest good name for the same.

  117. Hey Sam,
    Do you think you could help me name an inspirational/encouraging/motivational blog that has something to with “Liv”? Thanks so much πŸ™‚

  118. Hi Sam!

    I hope i”m not too late with getting some help for a blog name.

    I’m wanting to start a blog about my grandmother Senetenari and dementia. I have been her full time carer for the last four years and would love to give an insight about our everyday lives.

    Would love to hear some of your suggestions. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Have a great day!

  119. Hey!! So I’ve wanted to start my own blog for some time now.. and wanted it to be a lifestyle/beauty/fashion etc. I love everything chic and trendy but more in an affordable practical way. I want someone to feel that they can grab a cup of coffee with me when they read my blog that’s why I loved “a cup of chic” but that has been already taken. I have tried to think of other ideas with my name and just have been so stuck because I loved “a cup of chic” I hope you can help with any suggestions! Thank you so much!

  120. Hi Sam,

    I am wanting to start a blog about anything and everything… I live in Fiji and I want to be able to express myself through my writing.

    Can you help me out with some suggestions for names?

    One of my cousins suggested simply stephs but it said invalid when i typed it in.


  121. Hello there,

    So far I absolutely love the recommended names that you’ve shared with others and was wondering if you could help me as well.
    I’m struggling to come up with a name for my blog.
    My blog is about sharing stories to bring hope and inspire others. I believe that when we are vulnerable and expose our brokenness, we can bring hope to others.
    My name is cherie which means ‘sweetheart’ in French. I would like to use my name in my blog post.

  122. Hey.. Sam I need Ur help…
    I want to start my own blog which is whole about love stories so please..can uh suggest me some name..for it..??

  123. Hey Sam,

    I am creating a lifestyle blog that will talk about me, have some photography, inspiration, talk some about jesus, why i created the blog etc. I just need help with a creative name. Can you help?

    Sincerely, Presley

  124. Appreciating the hard work you put into your website and detailed information you present.
    It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t
    the same unwanted rehashed information. Wonderful read!
    I’ve saved your site and I’m including your RSS feeds
    to my Google account.

  125. Here I am in 2018 wondering if people are even blogging anymore… but it doesn’t matter if they are or not. I’ve been wanting to start a blog, literally, for years now! I always start writing down my ideas and the ln I get stumped on finding the right title for it. Then of course I’ll procrastinate for another couple of years. I’ve been wanting to write about the common struggles in life, no matter the gender of the person. I can obviously help females more because I’m a female but that doesn’t mean I can’t help a male. But anyways I don’t really want my name anywhere in it. I want to do it anonymously. I want to be known for my messages rather than who everyone thinks that I am. Some of the titles that I was tossing around are:
    β€œPositively Negative”
    β€œI Get It!”
    β€œUnrealistic Dreams”

    I haven’t really came up with anything else! I was hoping you were still here and could possibly help me! Thanks in advance!

  126. Hey!
    I came across your page after going through so many and by far this one had the most creative blog names. I love writing and i am planning to start a blog. I would love if you can help me with a good blog name ! My blog will be about sharing my experience in life , the ups and down, it will be deep and inspirational. It will also have some study tips , biology related information . And the blog will also have other diy tips on healthy lifestyle.
    So far I have only come up with one name – resonatingthoughts
    I am really looking forward for your suggestions !
    thanks !

  127. Thank you so much for creating this post. I’m currently in the process of rebranding my blog and this post helped me come up with the new name! I cannot thank you enough. Once I discovered the new name, it inspired me and motivated me to get working on the rebrand immediately. It surprised me actually, I didn’t expect to get so excited and empowered over the name. But once it came it me, it was like whoa! I must do this and do this now! Thanks again!

  128. HI
    I’m wanting to start a blog mainly about my travels but also touching on my art designs and products as well as other little bits. I was going to focus on it being about travels but don’t want the name to be limited to that.

  129. Hi Sam

    I need help with coming up with a blog name. I want to start a blog but i can not think of a name that i am happy with. I first had the revolt “Slaying the giants in life” a blog based on lifestyle topics also with a bit of faith talk.

  130. HI, I want to start a blog about fashion, life in general, meditation, spiritual journey, beauty, Ayurveda, food, fitness. I am so confused about the blog name that will be able to cover all of these aspects under one niche or label. I have a varied interest which keep on changing. so I don’t want anything specific. I am in my 30’s and a mother of 1 child. I want to share stuff from my everyday life. Please suggest me a blog name.

  131. Hello! What a helpful site! I’m currently trying to switch up my blog name and would love some help. Right now I have Melissa Gibson Photography dot com, thinking I would open a photography business. Turns out, I don’t like people so…. haha My current title doesn’t reflect my blog’s existing content. I write about silly things that happen to my family, give photography tips, thoughts on raising four girls (from toddler to teen), organizational ideas/household tips and things my kids say. We (my high school sweetheart and I) live in Georgia with our girls and two dogs.

    Some ideas I like are Our Lovely Life, Happy Lovely, and Overheard From The Backseat.

    Would appreciate any thoughts you have. πŸ™‚

    Melissa Gibson

  132. Asalamoalikum,
    I want to start a general blog. It will be about struggling engineeting students and some study hacks. Plus some homemade skin care things. Plus motivational stories. Plus my favorite, FOOD. And also reviews on books, movies and stuff. And all that in a funny manner
    Its a wide niche thats why I am damn confused. Also I want a cool name.
    Help me please!

  133. Hi I don’t know if you still answer or not but I want to start an anonymous blog, reason being is because I’ve been invisible my whole life and I want to start a cause for love so basically I will be printing cards and placing them randomly around the city, to make people know they are loved. I also want to post about some diy recipes I try out.

    I did like the name the world against me, or Aquarius and me but they don’t really fit with what I’m trying to do.

    My cosmetics business was gonna be called tints and shades kosmos but now I don’t whether to do two separate blogs or one on its own

  134. Hey Sam, I don’t know if you’re still responding or not after so long. I just stumbled upon this article and find that the names that you suggested are amazing. I’m a psychology student, I want to create a personal diary to make people reflect on their feelings, clear their thoughts, recognise their qualities, strengths, weaknesses and basically connect with themselves, their true self. I really love something along the lines of Persistent Perseverance and Responding to Life. But I want something catchy and fun, so please if you could suggest a name. Thank you in advance.

  135. Hey Sam!

    I’ve seen some great responses from you to the comments on this post and hoping that you can help me too πŸ™‚

    I’d like to start a lifestyle blog to be able to express myself a lot more than other social media platforms allow you to and for three days I’ve been trying to find the perfect name.

    Quick backstory
    I’m originally from Sweden but moved to England five years ago. I’m trying to get in to plus size modeling and quit my full time job earlier this year. I’d like the blog to be positive , inviting and for people to feel like they can relate to everyday problems (example of blog name – living life on the plus size / side but both occupied names on WordPress lol) , not really in to my name and used first + last name on my first blog many years ago.
    Oh and also focus on my recent diagnosis of pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome).
    Im a bit of a anxious soul and mental health / positivity is definitely the main reason I wanna start writing again – hoping it might help my mind to calm down a bit.

    I feel like it can literally be anything but I’ve sat for too many days trying to come up with something that now I can’t decide on anything. Feel free to check out my ig account malincarlen
    I appreciate any help πŸ™‚
    Thank you in advance

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